Honey Bee

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Yerba maté Blend
Blue Cornflowers, Calendula Petals, Flavouring, Honeybush, Lemon Myrtle, Lemon Pieces, Rooibos
Honey, Rooibos, Artificial, Burnt Sugar, Lavender, Lemon, Medicinal, Floral, Burnt, Flowers, Perfume, Sweet, Caramel, Milk, Smooth, Vinegar, Creamy, Marshmallow, Eucalyptus, Lemon Zest, Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Amani
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 g 13 oz / 382 ml

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Get busy

This honey-flavoured, honeybush tea is just about the sweetest energy-enhancer around. It has all the zest of real lemon and lemon myrtle, and all the smooth flavour of rooibos and green rooibos. But the real secret ingredient? Green maté. It provides a beautiful burst of energy for both mind and body. Strewn with calendula petals and cornflowers, this is the nectar of choice for busy bees.

Ingredients: Red and green rooibos, honeybush, green yerba maté, lemon peel, lemon myrtle, cornflower petals, marigold petals, natural flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

146 Tasting Notes

652 tasting notes

2 tsp for 500mL water, steeped 6 minutes. Rating: 88.

Wow! Serious honey, and, as another reviewer has noted, something fuzzy, like pollen and like bees themselves. I love honeybush but find it can get a bit monotonous on its own; here, blended, it nearly steals the show. Delicious without being sickly sweet. I do not taste the mate at all, though I can just pick out the green rooibos, which I quite like and have gotten fond of in the Super Chocolate blend. I am waiting for any mate buzz, which would be very welcome today. A very clean finish, no cloy, no bitterness. So far, win win.

(IE9 doesn’t let me access the slider bars, so I type out my rating stats.)

Michelle Butler Hallett

I do find a subtle but long-lasting mate lift from this tisane. It’s too rich to brew in a gourd, I think, though I might try it someday.

Michelle Butler Hallett

Aaaaand … an unfinished cup left in my study overnight makes the study smell really nice in the morning.

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160 tasting notes

I got a very generous amount of this in a swap from Artp.

Upon first sniff I get literally just pure honey, which makes my mouth water. So I brew it up and the smell is similar but a little more bitter. The taste is fabulous- it’s smooth and sweet, but fresh. I love that it combines mate, honeybush, and rooibos for a worry free zero bitterness brew. I love to keep some fun flavored mates on hand and I think this one might be added to my permanent collection :)

oh right, it also reminds me of honey cough drops but in a good way.

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658 tasting notes

I can’t quite figure out how I feel about this tea yet, and I had two cups of it today.

It smells incredibly like honey. Spot on, and very potent. While it was steeping, I could smell it across my apartment (it’s a small apartment, but this still seems impressive). It tastes nice. It’s sweet, but it’s not sickly-sweet as the scent had me worried it might be. But, despite the sweetness it’s very, very herbal.

I don’t really taste the mate, which is good for me. I don’t know how I could, with everything else that’s going on here. I think I can taste the honeybush a little, and maybe the rooibos, but it’s pretty difficult to isolate each component. Overall, it’s quite good. I don’t think it’s one I’m going to be drawn to all that often but it might be one I keep on hand for when I want to see if mate will give me energy. I haven’t liked any other mates I’ve tried, so maybe this is a good stepping stone!

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17 tasting notes

I had a good feeling I was going to like this. I was looking for a mate tea to try and I picked this up on a whim at DT based on the description. I love honey anything so this was a pleasant treat for me. It’s light on the honey while straight but I added some sugar and it brought the honey flavor to life. I would’ve added honey if I had that. I really don’t taste anything added to the honey like others have tasted. I’m pretty pleased with this one!!


I was thinking about ordering this but was afraid it would taste too much like rooibos as I’m not a fan of that…..what do you think?


To me, this tastes like sweet honey tea. I don’t exactly know what it is about Roobios that people don’t like or notice right away. What kind of taste is it that you don’t like? I think it’s worth a try :)


It’s the earthy dirt taste I hate – lol.


I almost picked some of this up. Instead I went with green mate and green rooibos.

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836 tasting notes

Sweet throughout with earthy tones and a distinct citrus taste. Woodsy taste to it- maybe cedar mostly. Taste reminds me of the texture of coconut flesh. The aftertaste reminds me of honey

For some reason, the aroma of this tea reminds me of a newborn baby’s nursery with yellow walls and painted cartoon elephants. I think it may be because the scent reminds me of baby powder. Why I have a very specific baby room in mind, I cannot say.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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523 tasting notes

Oh! It smells awful! It smells like sour mildew. I assume thats supposed to be honey that I smell, but it’s some pretty rank honey. Fortunately, it doesn’t taste as bad as it smells, but it’s way too sweet for me and and some of the nasty smell does linger in my nose when I exhale after drinking it. But thanks anyway for the sample Linnaete :)

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Haha! I really enjoy comparing how teas smell with other people. Our sense of smell can be so unique sometimes! I totally get the honey smell with this one when I drink it! :)

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191 tasting notes

Oh yum. This smells like honey, and tastes like it too. It makes me think of nectar. I’ve definitely changed my mind about mate. It isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was! It was a nice pick-me-up this afternoon when my energy was starting to wane.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’ve had my eye on this one. It sounds so yummy!


I was really surprised I liked it as much as I did. I was sort of not really expecting much when I saw what today’s offering was.

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218 tasting notes

Yes, its a backlogging afternoon, bare with me! I can’t believe I haven’t logged this. A morning staple in my house, its sweet and hits the spot on those mornings you just can’t wake up. I haven’t tried it myself, but the other half says its really good iced too. Don’t steep this one too long/forget about it and hope its ok after 10/15 mins, it has a bit of a weird effect on me after that long in the cup.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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48 tasting notes

I’m having a bad day, Thank you Honeybee for being such an amazing tea!!!

Boiling 8 min or more

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353 tasting notes

This was another tea from the Traveling Tea Box. It was interesting and I’m honestly not sure if I liked it, even after two cups. It did not taste like honey, but faintly reminded me of the Crunchie bars in the UK – the ones that have the “honeycomb” center. Not entirely unpleasant, but not quite what I was expecting.

Also, the mate never gave me an energy boost, which made me sad. I really could have used it today in the office.

5 min, 0 sec

Crunchie bars = tastiest candy bars ever


It’s a toss up between Crunchies or Mint Aeroes. Why does US chocolate suck compared to Europe?

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