This tea tastes fine, albeit very anise/fenugreek heavy in its flavour profile. I like those flavours a lot, so it was an enjoyable cup for me on flavour alone, but…
No other tea that T Kettle has “duped” from DT makes me more angry that this one.
I think that’s because I watched my good friend and coworker pour so much passion and research into making the tea that this steals inspiration from, Bee The Change. That blend was a huge passion project for her – to create something that was visually exciting and beautiful, with ingredients that (on top of being functional) also were all pollinator friendly was not something that didn’t take a lot of work – and then to have a beautiful campaign built around that tea that gave back to an organization working on bee preservation… there was something magical watching her dream come to fruition like that…
Seeing someone else try to capitalize on her passion project… It just makes me sad.
Yeah, I’m sad for you and your friend/coworker for this one. :/