Pumpkin Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Fruit Blend
Not available
Candy, Caramel, Cinnamon, Pumpkin, Spices, Clove, Smoke, Cloves, Molasses, Burnt Sugar, Coconut, Cookie, Nutmeg, Sweet, Vanilla, Creamy, Pumpkin Spice, Brown Sugar, Vegetables, Spicy, Sugar, Pastries, Artificial, Butternut Squash, Smooth, Ginger, Bergamot, Carrot, Tea, Cardboard, Butter, Lemon Zest, Malt, Maple, Orange Zest, Apple, Honey, Citrus Zest, Citrus, Allspice
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 32 oz / 948 ml

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663 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I had a mug of this earlier this morning and as usual it was great. It kept me nice and cozy as I waited for the bus :D” Read full tasting note
  • “OMG ITS SOOOO GOOD New favorite tea omnomnomnommn I get the box with 25g of each tea in it. eep excite! This one is thick, in such a good way. Edit: Okay folks, this tea tastes like pumpkin. No...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog from when I was at the mall today: Woo! Good. I still like it! I wasn’t sure because some of the ultra-crazy-sugary blends no longer appeal to me as much now that I’ve discovered the beauty...” Read full tasting note
  • “Mmm, so silky today. Gotta love those almond milk and brown sugar additions! I even got my mom hooked! So far the weekend is looking pretty nice. Saw the new Dracula last night and we’re planning...” Read full tasting note


Rich, spice-filled and comforting, with a hint of caramel – like a slice of pumpkin pie!

The forever fall must-have. This rich premium black tea is the perfect way to kick off the season. It’s got all the warmth of cinnamon and cloves, plus the sweetness of caramel and pumpkin candy. For a truly unforgettable pumpkin chai latte experience, top it up with steamed milk and stir in a spoonful of brown sugar.

What makes it great
• This is the only spiced black tea that’s come back every season since debuting in our very first fall collection.
• Makes the perfect fall chai latte – especially topped with frothed milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
• Try steeping it into custard for an autumnal crème brulée.

Ingredients: Black tea, Cinnamon, Cloves, Caramel (condensed skimmed milk, sugar, glucose syrup, butter, sorbitol, mono and diglycerides), Carrot, Lemon peel, Pumpkin candies (sugar, rice flour, palm and palm kernel oil, corn starch, gum Arabic, cellulose gum, FD&C Yellow 6, confectioner’s glaze, carrageenan, soy lecithin, artificial flavouring), Pumpkin flakes, Natural and artificial pumpkin spice flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

663 Tasting Notes

1271 tasting notes

Drinking Pumpkin Chai this morning, you know, to make room for fresh pumpkin chai when the Fall Collection is released.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I am really looking forward to trying this!


You know you are addicted to tea when…


I need to get some fall flavored teas soon!


I was gonna say -HOW DID YOU GET IT EARLY???
Now I know. :P

Oolong Owl

hahaha, this pumpkin chai is probably over a year old! I stocked up before it left for the season.


You must have! I think I stocked up on 50g, but then I drank it all quite quickly anyway. :P I don’t mind though. I didn’t really miss it during the summer, and even if it’s an artificial thing I like having soemthing to look forward to! I’m housebound now, packing and cleaning before we move, so I am using Wednesday as an excuse to get me out to the mall (to buy supplies AND to look at the new Fall Stuff. <3). I’m a sucker for marketing things.


Yep the pumpkin is always at our home . Never to run out as the “better” half likes it!

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2970 tasting notes

Its my mothers birthday today, and in celebration, I am drinking all the pumpkin teas I own, as pumpkin is her favorite flavor. So much so that we always have pumpkin pie for the celebrations, instead of birthday cake!
The reviews of this were facinating, and all over the board. I could expect anything from an overhyped weak tea, to a tea that was the greatest phenomenon ever and might very well do my dishes for me.
What I’ve experienced is somewhere bewteen these extremes. I like it! I find it just a touch more chai-y than pumpkin-y, but its a tea that warms and reminds me very much of autumn. This isnt an active adoration tea, where every sip is a swoon. This is a passive enjoyment tea, where I dont have to pay too much attention to it, but I enjoy it all.
Yay pumpkin!


She’s born during the perfect time of year to have her favourite flavour as her birthday dessert!


It is rather lucky, isnt it?

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16950 tasting notes

Well folks, after half a year of living together it finally happened; Tre saw me naked.

I just got home from work, and thought he was sleeping so I decided to strip down in the laundry room and change into some fresh clothing from the dryer. This is something I never do, so it’s one of those “The one time I was naked and not in my room…” type scenarios – my work clothing was just so uncomfortable and sweaty from doing stock all day! Our laundry room is right between the living room/his room and the washroom, and it has no door – so he got up to pee and well, the rest is the rest.

It’s awkward and I felt my Steepster family should share in the awkwardness. It was bound to happen eventually though, I guess…

Anyway, this tea! I made it in a timolino with lots of milk, and then drank it on break. Man was it good! The pumpkin was extra creamy and thick (probably because of the milk) and the sometimes hidden caramel notes were really present too (definitely because of the milk). Mmm!

You should all be jelly.


Lol. I’m sorry that happened to you, but I have to admit reading that made me giggle. It’s one of those made-for-a-sitcom moments. :)


Sorry to hear about your awkward moment… Although like Veronica, You made me laugh. I love how you share crazy little details of your life. I hope the awkwardness wears away quickly!


Omg! I thought you were going to be like “well folks, the inevitable happened. Tree and I hooked up!”


I totally thought that too keychange! Yeah when I first moved to AB, I lived with J plus his roommates – 2 other guys. Yes, they saw me naked. It’s bound to happen.

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6119 tasting notes

Finished off the last of this one yesterday. Pretty good, although I found myself longing a bit for the pumpkin-pie-ness of Della Terra’s Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie. Sigh. I had meant to pick some of this chai up the other day, but it slipped my mind. If it’s still there next time I’m at the store, I think I’ll get 25g as it is rather tasty, but it’s no huge loss if I don’t!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

There wasn’t a whole lot of pumpkin-y in this. It wasn’t bad though. Did you brew it in milk?


No, it wasn’t super pumpkiny. I also didn’t have quite enough tea for the thermos, so it was a little weak. I actually am lame and although I keep meaning to, I’ve only ever tried some chais and matcha as tea lattes! (Oh, and earl grey I suppose). I keep hearing how this tea and other pumpkin spice teas make great lattes….


They’re very nice but a lot of work. Lol. I only make them on occasion.


Well if we’re talking the lattes that require frothing and whatnot, I’ve never made one! I just add milk (or brew in milk) and add sugar or whatever sweetener I’m using.


When I made pumpkin chai, I actuallly boiled milk and tea in a pan and strained it. Lovely, buuut a lot of work. Then again, I’m not really a fan of cooking either. It’s worth doing once or twice with chaise, but I don’t think it needs to be done every time.

Adding milk and sugar after I brew is more my style, if I add any at all.

I see peoe making matcha smoothies, too, and I’m like “eh… too much work”




LOL and I meant to say “it’s worth doing once with chai’s”. Dang autocorrect.

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2816 tasting notes

Another tea from the David’s Tea fall collection…

I was looking forward to trying this one and this morning we are fogged in again in S.F., so this seemed like a sweet and cosy thing to try this morning.

This was steeped for 5 minutes and got some soymilk thrown in. It’s a bit sweeter than I thought it would be, but I like it pretty well. It has a nice pumpkin flavor and the cardamom is definitely shining through, which I love. There is a slight touch of clove but nothing too overwhelming. Pretty good but I admit I am partial to the Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie by Della Terra. :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1445 tasting notes

Drinking this is like coming home.. It’s making me feel all sappy and nostalgic. I guess it has been too long. It manages to sucks you in right with the aroma; even apathetic Red Rose Father commented on how “very pleasant” this tea made the room smell. Pumpkin Chai scores yet another point with the crowd!

Steeped in frothy steamed milk, with a bit of cinnamon powder added on top.

Flavors: Caramel, Cinnamon, Citrus Zest, Cloves, Pumpkin, Sugar

7 min, 0 sec

Yay! Glad to hear this one didn’t disappoint. I have 100g in free tea to redeem and I think it’s all going there!


I LOVE Pumpkin Chai. I am so excited it is back!


I really like this one too! I wasn’t keen on it last year, but luckily that seems to have been an unfortunate phase. I went in for 15g and somehow came out of the store with 50g, which is probably too little now that I think about it..


Cavo, do you remember the thing about the cardamom spice last year? This year it’s still not listed on the website ingredients but it is mentioned in the write up!


I know 50g was too little for me last year. I’m thinking of at least 100g this time around. I like it straight and it is great as a latte, too.

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985 tasting notes

Hmmmm. Yes, it is a chai kind of day. So I am onto another pot of this. I guess in comparison to regular chai, it seems kind of bland. However, it is creamy and pumkiny and very good. It is more of a spiced pumpkin tea than a chai in my book, but if the chai spices were much stronger they would overpower the pumpkin flavor. This time I added a smaller amount of half & half and it works so much better.

<I have decided I don’t need more of this one.>

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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299 tasting notes

OK, this tea has definitely found a home with me. This is one I could marathon like comfort tea – in fact in the second cup I added brown sugar and milk as recommended and YUMMM. But even without, this is like a beautiful tea version of pumpkin pie. I like it both ways, but it’s really decadent with things added. OM NOM NOM NOM.

It really does taste like pumpkin. You can really smell the squash!

5 min, 0 sec

YES! :O I was hoping you would like it! I didn’t get the big deal the first time, but I fell in love with it on my second cup. I’ll have to buy a new tin of it in the fall (unless I do an online order – I can get it sooner).


Yeeeeah, I’m pretty sure I’ll be buying this online ASAP. ;D


Gonna wait til after xmas when I get my sweet flavoured DT sampler, though >___> JUST IN CASE ;) ;)


>__> OF COURSE. :P Man it’d be nice if they had a boxing week sale too, but it doesn’t seem like they do that sorta thing. :|

I bought myself 30g of Glitter and Gold as my xmas present though! That, and a giant Perfect Mug. It’s not online anymore, but the design I picked matches this tea pot: http://www.davidstea.com/bubble-teapot-45-oz-forest?&TF=8215E1C9208C&DEID=


Pretty…. oh man I don’thave exclamation marks on my busted keyboard…. this is really affecting the way I write… IMAGINE ENTHUSIASM HERE D:


Haha. Who wears out their exclamation mark keys???? YOU DO. >__> No wait, if it was just worn out, your caps lock button wouldn’t work either. :P


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe. I’m really missing my parentheses, too. /o\ But! I have an exclamation mark in my clipboard so it’s my permanent command-v right now….! :P

…..I really hope it comes back, though .___.

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357 tasting notes

We’re going to a Halloween party tonight so this seemed like an appropriate choice of tea to finish off today. I still haven’t decided what costume I’m going to wear. I started assembling a few ideas in my head, maybe a raven, or a skeleton, or a dark forest…or…I dunno? I’m usually quite an organized person, with only random spurts of disorganization. There’s apparently something about Halloween that turns me into a last minute person on an annual basis. Every year I say “next year I’ll be more organized” But what do ya know, the party is tonight and all I have are a few abstract costume ideas. Last year I collected a few ideas and assembled some images on my computer. But when I started looking through my box of Halloween makeup and digging through potential costume ideas, the power went out. My battery was dead so I couldn’t access my inspiration photos without electricity, and there was very little daylight to see anything. Thankfully, Halloween is a day that I can get away with dressing and doing my makeup in the dark lol!

Is it just me, or does tea seem to taste better when you know you’re finishing off the last bit of it? What the heck, right? I mean, I liked this tea before, but today it tastes so much better. Like “BUY MORE NOW” better. It’s a nice blend of cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom. None of which I particularly love, but it somehow works in this tea. I knew I enjoyed it, but I figured this would be one that I might suspend repurchasing in the hope that it will be either kept around or brought back next fall. Now I feel like it’s one that I will want to keep a little sample size of in my collection. What’s that about? Hopefully they will have those little sample packs that you can get a deal on by the cash register with this one. That way I can justify a repurchase. Those little pumpkin candies alone almost make buying it again worthwhile. So adorable –they just make me smile.

I better get going; I still have to make an appy to take to the party and then it’s time for the annual Halloween costume box dig :D


Might be the season messing happily with your taste buds, hehe. Enjoy the party!


The season thing sounds very likely. Thanks Charab. I still haven’t decided on my costume. lol


Ha. That’s funny how it is – making you second guess everything. If you do decide to grab more, better do it soon. (Unless you order online). I stocked up last week when they told me they were pulling it Nov 1st. ’Course, that might have just been a gimmick to stock up on fall reas.


Thanks for letting me know Cavocorax, I better make up my mind soon.

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615 tasting notes

I steeped this up as a latte, because pumpkin anything is supposed to be creamy. It’s like, pumpkin law. So I added 2 oz of frothed milk and a tsp of brown sugar to my 8 oz cup of this, and I can see why everyone likes this tea so much. It’s creamy, and rich, with real pumpkin flavor and just the right spices. Also, the brown sugar adds a kind of caramelly layer of flavor, which is awesome. I sometimes like adding maple syrup to my pumpkin pie, and I bet that would be awesome here too.

DT is so hit and miss, but this is definitely a hit. Right out of the ballpark. It’s not really chai-like in the spicing, but more like pumpkin pie — subtle and not in your face. Like chai, though, it needs the milk and sugar to make the best cup.

Thank you very much jeweledthumb!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

HAHAHA – it’s like pumpkin law! Love it!

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