Tisane de Noël

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Black Pepper, Cardamom, Chocolate Flavor, Cinnamon, Clove, Cocoa Beans, Flower Petals, Ginger, Lemon Balm, Licorice, Pink Peppercorn
Cardamom, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Clove, Cocoa, Earthy, Floral, Ginger, Herbs, Licorice, Pepper, Spices, Spicy, Sweet, Woody, Citrus, Peppercorn, Artificial, Dirt, Herbaceous, Lemongrass, Perfume, Licorice Root, Syrupy, Fennel Seed, Medicinal, Earth, Anise, Bark, Cloves, Honey, Metallic, Mineral, Nutty, Taro Root, Mint, Cookie
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 374 ml

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From Dammann Frères

Lemon balm, cocoa beans, cardamom and ginger are just some of the flavors that make up this delicious herbal tea. For those who like spicy notes and cocoa beans, Tisane de Noël is a hot, seasonal beverage not to be missed!

Dominant note : Gourmet notes
Secondary note(s) : Spicy / Woody
Type(s) of tea : Herbal Tea
Main flavor : Chocolates
Complementary flavor(s) : Licorice, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Pepper, Pink peppercorns

Ingredients: cinnamon, lemon balm, cocoa beans, cardamom, licorice root, ginger, pink peppercorns, chocolate flavor, cloves, flower petals, black pepper

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27 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

Day 22!

Back to delicious Dammann teas! Yumm! I agree with Dinosara, this one reminds me of a cookie. It is a hard and thin shortbread biscuit type cookie with Christmas spices like clove, cinnamon and nutmeg. It is super delicious. The liquor is sweet. I think it could have used a tiny bit of sweetener but I still didn’t add any. I get a bit of lemon balm in the aftertaste, it lingers for a while. But that is ok because the beforetaste is so good.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

this one sounds great.

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2201 tasting notes

Dammann Advent Calendar, Day 22

Yay, I love this one. I even bought a box of sachets of this one, although I still rarely think of having a tisane in the evenings. Like tasty spiced christmas cookies! Yum.

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814 tasting notes

i have a lot of teas to make notes on.
the ones that left an impression i can remember fairly well :)
but this one, not so much.

Terri HarpLady

I hate when that happens :)


I agree. Kind of a weird stevia aftertaste?

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1780 tasting notes

Day 22 of the Advent calendar. I’m now drinking them in whatever order I feel like and this evening I wanted something non caffeinated. This really does have quite the mix of flavors! I get mostly cardamon on the sip and cacao on the aftertaste with maybe a little ginger heat. I might be able to pick out some light licorice too. It is very well done and I’m surprised at how much I am enjoying it. I don’t know that I like it enough to purchase it, but it will be resteeped for all it is worth.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Hmmm, second steep has more licorice.

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103 tasting notes

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1307 tasting notes

Sample sipdown. Not sure how I got this particular bag. Possibly a lingering sample that came with my advent calendar two years ago? Or one of the bags a friend yoinked for me when some hotel she was staying at had Dammann? Either way, seems apropos to sip on as I gear up for adventageddon. I was dreading it a bit, I think because over the past few years I got over-enthusiastic and had just way too many calendars to get through every day. But then I took stock and really it’s much more manageable this year: a 25-day caffeine-free from Plum Deluxe, a 24-day from Tea Thoughts, a 24-day from Lupicia (still en route so I’ll have to catch up a bit when it gets here), and a 12-day from 52teas. The Tea Thoughts and Lupicia calendars are both not exclusively tea, so non-tea days will give me an opportunity to play catch-up if needed. I have a Hanukkah sampler from Plum Deluxe, but Hanukkah starts on December 25 this year so at that point I’ll be able to focus on just the sampler. All actually probably really doable and fun rather than overwhelming and stressful, yay! This tea is also fun. I know it has other ingredients, but all I can taste is the cocoa and cinnamon, which is a flavor profile I enjoy. Great way to ease into the situation.


What a find! And perfect timing!

I like the idea of getting a caffeine free advent so you can have tea at night, too. I must make a mental note.


Wow! happy start of advent time!

Cameron B.

I also am relieved to have fewer advents this year!

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1445 tasting notes

Dammann Frères Advent 2021 – Day 11 (I accidentally skipped 10. Whoops! but it’s also non-caffeniated)

We can’t all be winners! Steeped in milk because the ingredients lists said "chai’ to me (tasting it without milk, and yeah I prefer it with). It’s alright this way but I prefer other cocoa spice herbals; It has so many rich ingredients that I want it to be thicker, maybe. Also, not a huge lover of the combo of chocolate and licorice.

Flavors: Cardamom, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Clove, Cocoa, Earthy, Floral, Ginger, Herbs, Licorice, Pepper, Spices, Spicy, Sweet, Woody

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec
Evol Ving Ness

Oh no. No chocolate and licorice.


It’s decent, soothing herbal but I’m a hard sell for those two ingredients.

Evol Ving Ness

Hmm, we’ll see. Licorice is not a favourite.

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1398 tasting notes

2021 sipdown no. 4

This was a sample sent in our DF order.

There a whole cardamom pods here and the tea overall is very Christmas-spicy. Even as a tisane, it’s very “full” feeling. The red peppercorns are a nice touch to add spiciness and heat. As I continued drinking this one, I started to get a queasy stomach. I looked over the ingredients, but can’t figure out what may have caused it.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 14 OZ / 414 ML
Tiffany :)

I love cardamom! And ginger! onto the wishlist it goes..

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1650 tasting notes

Advent 19. All caught up.

The sachet smells rich and spicy, herbaceous and floral. Chocolate flavoring-cinnamon-clove, ginger-lemon balm-floral perfume.

Every single sip is dirt rolled in licorice, sprinkled with chocolate flavoring, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom, then rolled in more dirt. Like the dry, crumbly kind. Finishes licorice-sweet.

Dirt dirt dirt. Nope nope nope.

Flavors: Artificial, Cardamom, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Clove, Dirt, Floral, Ginger, Herbaceous, Lemongrass, Licorice, Perfume, Spicy, Sweet


Oh dear!


Ugh. I can’t stand teas that taste like somebody’s spice cabinet threw up. Sounds like this might qualify.

Cameron B.

Dirt dirt dirt, LOL!


Soundeth like a waste of cardamom

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (264)

I don’t love this one but it does scream Christmas to me through the spice blend. I blame the licorice since that’s not a flavor I love. With that said, it’s more tolerable here than in a lot of other blends that have it.

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