Blackberry Lime Guayusa

Tea type
Guayusa Tea
Not available
Blackberry, Green, Hay, Lime, Berries, Rainforest, Earth, Sweet, Wet Earth
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 315 ml

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  • “Today is my early start busy day at work, and I’m really struggling to find the motivation to go in. I was doing full, busy weeks not so long ago, but lately they’ve cut my hours right back with no...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was the first time having this tea chilled and it is way better this way. The lime shines through a little more and the blackberries seem juicier. I will certainly drink it like this from now on!” Read full tasting note
  • “This was the best guayusa I had ever drank! The energy boost of guyusa is fantastic, similar to mate, but the taste isn’t so pleasant on its own. This tea was good hot and cold with none of the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown of an older sample, I believe it came from Courtney but I could be wrong! Made this at work yesterday, enjoyed the inclusion of a big blackberry in the bag! I may have steeped a bit too...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

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50 Tasting Notes

4334 tasting notes

One of my Butiki samples! I probably would have bought this one anyway before trying… it just seems like my kind of thing. I’d definitely go to Butiki for all my guayusa blends!

Steep #1 // 25 min after boiling // 3 min
I don’t like to use such a hot temp for the first steep of guayusa or yerba mate, so I’m not really following Butiki’s instructions on this one. I think oversteeping might be why most people don’t give those two bases a second chance. The first steep is really for the flavors, the second is the caffeine kick (and the flavors!) I wish the lime and the blackberry was stronger in this blend, but what flavor is there is good. Sweet dark blackberry with a tangy kick of lime.

Steep #2 // 10 min after boiling // 3-4 min
The flavor of the guayusa makes itself much more present,and I love that flavor. The blackberry and lime are still there. This blend is pretty unique and I’d certainly pick some up with my future order!


I really like this one. It’s one of my favorites.

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1598 tasting notes

Oh, this is SO good! It’s exactly what it says it is – blackberry and lime flavours against a slightly woody guayusa background. I really am loving this. I took the next two weeks off work so I could visit family and relax with J a little before he gets a job, and this guayasa is just what I needed to power me through cleaning the living room!

Because vacuuming is fine but then you see things you need to dust, and move stuff around and before you know it you’ve started to move furniture and are trying to visualize things and UGH. Gimme some power-up tea! :D

I may end up buying a buttload of this! I usually prefer straight black teas in the morning but this is a nice jolt!

Boiling 5 min, 45 sec

Vacay, hooray!!! A pot of tea always helps with cleaning, yes. The rooms almost clean themselves…


Have a great vacation :-)


Onto the list this one goes; this sounds like a great guayusa blend. I hope you have an awesome vacation! :)


Thanks guys! I’m almost done all the house-cleaning so things are looking far more relaxed. We might hit a Blue Jays came next week, and on tuesday I’ve got a friend coming so we can go to the Toronto live show for Night Vale! :O :O :O And with J’s dad down we’ll probably go to petting zoos etc so he can spend more time with his granddaughter! I’m sure it’ll be great, even though gasp it will likely cut down on how much tea I drink.


I’ll share, CrowKettle.


I can’t wait to place my Butiki order for more of this. One cup from Stephanie and I was hooked. It’s so delightful!

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13 tasting notes

My first experience with Guayusa – thanks Stephanie – A real nice change of pace from Camellia Sinensis. A nice soft sweetness followed by a faint hint of tartness. A very nice, very interesting blend. Worth a cupboard spot in my book.

Going to have to try this one cold brewed for a hot summer day such as today.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

My pleasure! I’ve never tried cold brewing this one. Normally I hot brew it double strong and then dump it over ice. I also thought I’d mention that this one re-steeps quite well :)


I took this one to work with me and got multiple steeps out of it! :)

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127 tasting notes

Cheri was lovely enough to send me a bit of this to try.

The dry leaf smelled wonderful! fruity and delicious. The steeped tea is a little more vegetal than I like my teas, so I don’t see myself buying this one any time soon, but it was a very nice cup.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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16936 tasting notes

Sipdown (181/187)!

Again, thanks to Sil for this one! I finished off the sample by making it in my timolino and taking it to work. I think it traveled well in the timolino because the flavours were consistent with what I remember them being with my first cup here at home. It’s definitely good to know that if I do decided to order this one it’ll be something I can take to work with me when I’m in need of that all important caffeine boost.

The big difference I found was that I actually let part of this get cold and I thought it tasted better cold! Not nearly as much guayusa flavour which could be good for this who dislike the taste of guayusa – and I thought the lime stood out much more prominently. This makes me excited for the prospect of a cold brew with this one, which I had initially considered but ended up deciding against.

I should really update my profile description because I drink cold brewed tea about 50/50 with hot tea now. Welp.

But ultimately I have no idea whether this is something I want more of. It’s good but it’s not necessarily that good. I feel like I’ve discovered a lot of areas it has great intentional in though; cold brews, travelling. So I think it’s going to depend on the mood I’m in when I place my order and possibly where I need some extra stuff to reach the free shipping thresh hold? Bleck. Lots to think about and consider. I mean, I don’t really need more tea, so…

Flavors: Berries, Lime, Rainforest


I think guayusa blends travel very well especially iced! Have you tried Good Morning Sunshine? That is my other fave Guayusa! Super lemony and creamy :)


Ooh, iced! Stephanie that is brilliant. I can’t wait to place a Butiki order and get some of this one for myself. Seriously awesome idea.

Roswell Strange

I’ve had Cider Guayusa and Good Morning Sunshine (prepared at home and as travel teas). Sometimes I think GMS travels well, othertimes not so much. I far prefer Cider Guayusa to either of these, and I think I prefer this to GMS.

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1397 tasting notes

I’m really enjoying this one. I love the blackberry flavour. The berries seem to work really well with the base. The lime is also subtly there. Overall a great cup and one I’d add to my cupboard.

Thanks Stephanie!



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268 tasting notes

Ermagerd this is good! I guess I’m a big fan of guayusa, or at least Butiki’s guayusa, because I LOVE killer’s vanilla and I love this one almost as much. When I sip, I get the guayusa flavor followed by some blackberry sweetness and finishing with a little kick of tartness from the lime. SO GOOD. It makes my tongue feel a little tingly which I can only assume is my taste buds doing happy dances. My only regret is that I only ordered a sample of this and now I’ll have to wait til my next Butiki order to have this again! Gah!!

Stacy, you must be a wizard to make such wonderful teas. Thanks for sharing with us muggles.

Flavors: Berries

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

I only ordered an ounce of this and I’m almost out. I’m already planning (plotting) my next Butiki order because I need this one. It’s become my go to morning tea. (I think I’ll add some Killer’s Vanilla because it sounds like it would also be a great morning tea.)


It is a great morning tea! In fact it’s my favorite morning tea. I highly recommend it :-)


It’s been added to my wish list, which I will be sure to consult before I place my next Butiki order.


Cheri, have you cold brewed this? It seems like it would be quite good cold brewed, but I’ve never had a cold brewed guayusa so I wasn’t sure how that base would do.


I haven’t yet. This would definitely be nice as an iced tea. We should ask Stacy and see what she has to say. I’ll send her an email. :)


Email sent. I’ll let you know what I hear back.




Stacy is QUICK! “Unfortunately, I have not cold brewed this guayusa. I tend to only cold brew green and black teas. I do ice quite a bit more tea but I usually make them hot first then add ice. I have heard from customers that do cold brew guayusas that the guayusa flavor is a little more gentle. I would bet that the Blackberry Lime Guayusa would cold brew very nicely. If either of you give it a try, be sure to let me know how it turns out.”


So…I’ve got some cold brewing in the fridge. I did’t have enough for my carry mug this morning, and I decided that it was time to try it cold brewed. I’ll let you know.


Let me know how it goes! I cold brewed some killer’s vanilla and quite liked it

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15565 tasting notes

I picked this one up, knowing that I probably wouldn’t like it, but i always try things anyway. As it turns out, i was right… i am not a fan of Guaysa….it just seems to overpower any sort of flavouring that is added to it and turn every cup of tea into something i don’t like. So it’s not that this is a bad tea…it smells delicious, and i do get both lime and blackberry out of the dry aroma…but’s just guayusa to me. at least that means i can give cavo a little more of our shared order and send some off to Roswell Strange to try out!


Blackberry lime sounded good but I also had reservations about the guayusa. Glad to see I probably made the right choice by passing on this blend.


yeah no more Guayusa for me… i didn’t mind it in the cider one stacy had..but soon the flavour overwhelmed and i became less enthused. Now they all taste the same to me…


I didn’t mind it so much in the cider either but even that I passed along because I just preferred others.


It does sound interesting though.


Glad you tried it though :) I really like it but Guayusa flavor appeals to me!


i’ll try nearly everything once haha

Roswell Strange

I’m excited to try it! :) I need more early morning work teas :P

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1024 tasting notes

My first ever guayusa, and what a one to start with! To me guayusa tastes a little like tulsi? I haven’t had straight guayusa though so I don’t know how much influence the flavours have on the final taste. I’ve got five more flavoured guayusas from Butiki to sample yet so I’m sure I’ll find out!

Also, made the mistake of having this at bedtime. Oops. Did not realise it was so full of caffeine. Thought it was a herbal, whoops!

Very tasty on both a first and second steep. I look forward to comparing this to the others.


Ooh, I’m so excited to try this one. For me, straight guayusa tastes like a rainforest.

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518 tasting notes

I didn’t have enough left yesterday morning to make it in my carry mug. :( So I decided to throw it in my smaller thermos travel mug with cold water and put it in the fridge. I didn’t want to oversteep this one on the first try, so I pulled the leaves out after about 11 hours and put it back in the fridge overnight.


I love it. I didn’t sweeten it, but I will try that next time, once my order gets here. I also will probably just let this go for longer, too. It’s really nice, though, and I’m really glad I did it. Definitely a winner!!


Definitely going to get some of this when I place my next Butiki order!


It’s definitely a nice tea for in the morning. Stephanie had a great idea and Butiki Teas executed it really well.


I’m totally ordering this too! I’m so happy it was also good as a cold brew :-)

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