Given that I’m back to trying to get my cupboard under control, I pulled out a new tea to try last night. This one has been sitting for a little while, so it’s high time it got its chance! I followed the recommended parameters, and used 1.5tsp of leaf in boiling water. I gave it four minutes. While brewing, I can smell cream and spice, primarily.
After four minutes, the liquor was a fairly dark red-brown, so I added a splash of milk. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the taste, but it’s pretty much dead on mango lassi. There’s the slightly sharp creaminess of yoghurt, plenty of cardamom, and the sweet pepperiness of mango. It’s a beautifully natural flavour; subtle but not so much that it’s hard to pick out the flavours. They’re all definitely there.
I’d quite like to try this with a piece of crystal sugar, so that’s on tonight’s agenda. A cold brew could be interesting, too. A new favourite rooibos blend!