Rose Violet Calendula Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Floral, Flowers, Grass
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 4 oz / 120 ml

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57 Tasting Notes View all

  • “For a variety of reasons (some of which make sense and some of which don’t), the past few days have been really difficult for me. When Stacy said they were pulling this tea, my immediate reaction...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had just enough of this at work for one cup. It’s a good thing my Butiki order came in the mail yesterday and I have another package waiting for me at home. This is springtime in a cup. I love this!” Read full tasting note
  • “Second steep came through at 95% of the potency of the first—still really dark in color, but this time I’m getting a heavier floral vibe. (My water was a little hottish, so that may have affected...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown #3!! (sorry Sil, I can’t give a ‘numbers of teas left’ count, because that would require me to actually update my list & count all the teas. I promise on Monday I’ll (probably) get...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Rose Violet Calendula Oolong is a high altitude tea from Taiwan. This tea is infused with rose, violet, calendula, and jasmine. This tea starts out light and progresses to a sweet and floral flavor that lingers. Rose Violet Calendula Oolong is good for multiple infusions.

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57 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes

For a variety of reasons (some of which make sense and some of which don’t), the past few days have been really difficult for me. When Stacy said they were pulling this tea, my immediate reaction was to panic and horde what I have. But when deciding what to have with breakfast this morning, I realized that the only tea that could stand a chance at helping me out was this one. And it was just as lovely as it’s always been: just as full of innocence and promises and hope and comfort. I can’t tell you how distraught I am over the pulling of this tea. I even contacted naivetea, who also make a rose violet calendula oolong, but they, too, have pulled it.

Have a good day, guys. Things have to get better eventually, I tell myself.


:( I’m sorry to hear this, keychange. I hope your week improves and you are able to find a new tea to love as much as you love this one.

Sami Kelsh

I hope things mellow out and get better for you! And that Stacy changes her mind about the tea… hugs


I hope both you fine ladies are right on all counts!


OH bummer, this one is quite good. I guess not enough people go for the florals :(


And now I have to read such brilliant reviews like this knowing I can never taste this wonderful tea… it sounds divine, right up my alley. Ah, I hate when wonderful things are over. I understand completely.


I know. This tea was utter perfection. I don’t even know if stacy can ever bring it back.


Point her in the direction of the reviews! WE NEED THIS TEA! Will our bitter tears of sadness help? I’ll get a bucket.

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464 tasting notes

I had just enough of this at work for one cup. It’s a good thing my Butiki order came in the mail yesterday and I have another package waiting for me at home. This is springtime in a cup. I love this!


I had my first cup of this the other day. Its so good.


This was the tea that made me like floral teas! I’m not afraid of them anymore. lol

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3010 tasting notes

Second steep came through at 95% of the potency of the first—still really dark in color, but this time I’m getting a heavier floral vibe. (My water was a little hottish, so that may have affected it, too.) I guess violets—that’s what it has to be—taste a little like grape kool-aid. There’s just a hint of artificial-tasting flavor to this round, but it is still pleasant. Cries out to be sipped from finer china than my utilitarian Tervis mug.


I actually like this but I think you have to like floral. Not everyone does. It’s like candied violets and knowing Stacy, she only uses natural flavors which is a great relief! I sweeten mine with rock sugar. It reminds me of the candied violets that my daughter used to make for formal tea shops in California.


Floral flavors aren’t my favorites (say THAT five times fast!), but this doesn’t taste like a greenhouse, either, which is why I can give it a thumbs up.


Grape Kool-Aid, oooh that sounds yummy. Although I was always a bigger fan of Goofy Grape. Anyone old enough to remember that one?


I fall in the right demographic group, but it isn’t ringing a bell. I did get Shasta fruit-flavored sodas if I was really, really good at the grocery store.


Yes goofy grape…grape ape….all the grapes!


I just did a goofy grape google – sounds a bit like a dance doesn’t it? Anyway GG was a Pilsbury kool-aid competition product. Mom made it for us and unless I just didn’t read the right page it looks like this used sweetener instead of sugar. Back in the late 60’s that would have meant saccarine. Somethings you are better not to look back and discover the truth.


K S: I still have my hhubby’s plastic Goofy Grape mug from when he was little! LOL!


Ashmanra: Oh wow that is so cool. Except, maybe you should give it back before he misses it. lol

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3294 tasting notes

Sipdown #3!!

(sorry Sil, I can’t give a ‘numbers of teas left’ count, because that would require me to actually update my list & count all the teas. I promise on Monday I’ll (probably) get around to doing it…or not)

I have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy this tea. Usually I’m not, but that is not the tea’s fault, as it is a beautiful floral fairie’s delight. Today I’ve been sitting at my desk, answering voicemails & emails, booking weddings, setting up lessons for new students, & next on my agenda is an email that I need to send out to the St. Louis Chapter of the American Harp Society (of which I’m president), announcing our annual tea party, etc.
And I’m drinking this tea! Today it’s very soothing & I almost wish I’d saved it to sip in a bubble bath. For those who love florals, it really is a masterpiece!


May have been my first oolong ever.


A beautiful tea, for sure


hahaha i still love you Terri!

Terri HarpLady

Oh good! Back at ya, sister! :)

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169 tasting notes

So, confession time.
One reason I love drinking tea, if because it evokes memories of places I have been.
Rarely, do the teas come into my mind as people, if any of you have known me long, you might suspect my deep love for Earl Grey.
Yes, my husband is aware of my admiration, but oddly enough does not feel threatened.
So far, it has just been EG and then Paris by H&S that have brought people to mind.
Till this tea.
The first time I smelt even the dry leaves of this tea I gasped.
She is stunning. In mind, spirit and body.
She is everything I ever wanted to be.
She makes me feel inferior but if I could just drink enough of this tea maybe also a little like her?
This tea is champagne colored (how perfect is that?) and when I drink I truly feel as if I should be sipping this in a champagne flute.
Classy,and always speaks eloquently with a soft smile upon her lips.
This tea is total experience that I recommend highly.
After the first couple of sips this song came to mind, so I will share it with you:
Now, that you think me insane for creating characters out of my tea, I shall take my leave.
Maybe I will go and try to find our wedding champagne flutes…

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

=) So cute!


Have you met one that’d double as a masseuse? ;)

Hesper June

Haha! No, not yet:)


I love your reviews! So creative and full of imagery.

Hesper June

Thank you, Nicole:)

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30 tasting notes

This is the first rose tea I’ve ever had that actually TASTES like rose. When you put your nose over the edge of the cup in the process of taking a sip, you smell rose. OOLONG is an excellent choice as a delicate and ridiculously expensive essence like rose should be paired with a delicate tea that will complement and not overpower it. That shows a profound understanding by the Artist who blended this.

The teas with rose that I have tried up to now have all just had a few petals thrown into black tea. They get swallowed up in the blackness !

This is a stunningly beautiful, delicately nuanced tea blend. It calls to mind lace on a wedding dress, or wings on a butterfly… I could wax poetic over this tea.


Oh Stacy is going to LOVE your review! She is Artistic! I’ve always liked this…so girly.


This tea has me thinking that I need to keep a large jar of it as a pantry staple, for the same reason that I have a bottle of Rose Hydrosol from mountain rose herbs on my dressing table at all times. It’s amazing what a spritz can do for your mood, long about February. Not to mention the power to keep you lady-like in sweltering August. Authentic Rose fragrance has supernatural powers to fight depression, I am certain of it


I think so. Since I live by myself, it’s hard to feel pampered or even girly when nobody else sees you that way. Flowers have that ability, especially roses and violets.


I am not a huge floral tea fan but this one was so elegant and arsenic-and-old-lace. Liked it immensely. Need to have a long swirly full skirt on to drink it ;)

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676 tasting notes

Thanks to Stacy at Butiki for this sample!

I drink flowery tea only when I’m in the MOOD for them. The mood strikes me fairly infrequently.

This afternoon, there was (and is) a forest fire in Poudre Canyon. I noticed the air was smelling strongly of smoke. The wind had kicked up and the fire had doubled, making me concerned for the people needing to evacuate. I called my daughter to find out how the air was at her house…“Dirty, dark and soot in the air”, which I had seen from 10 miles away. She was closer to the fire, although not in the hills. Her home and 8 kids are only a few blocks from a reservoir. I felt relief.

I wanted to wipe the smoke away and bring back the Springtime. I had a sample tea that had the promise of flowers. Rose Violet Calendula Oolong. What better time to drink this tea than now.

I steeped the Oolong 4 minutes letting the fragrant buds fill me with the most beautiful heady floral bouquet. The sipping from beginning to end was a delight.

My first impression was of candied violets, not overly sweet or cloying but delicate and very juicy. The taste turned to crenshaw melon and became buttercream…almost no astringency at all present. The floral bouquet filled my mouth and the scent was surrounding me creating a complete experience. My glass cup of the light yellow liquor was filled again and I delighted in the tea. Violet stood out as the distinct floral up front but, I can’t say that there was a primary rose flavor, a jasmine flavor, a calendula flavor…but a harmony of the other floral flavors.

I added a little sugar at the end…trying to imagine a tea party…and the sugar was such a great addition for a dessert tea. I think this is a perfect, perfect tea party tea!

If you would please say a prayer for all the people in the path of fires going on in Arizona and Colorado please and the firefighters too. Thanks!


I want to try this simply because it has my name in it. Lol


I don’t blame you…but it’s really good too! 1/2 oz. is $5.25 and you can multiple steep. I think it it a tea worth the price. Another tea that is special is the Blue Nettle $4.00 oz. and is interesting looking.

Butiki Teas

Geez, sorry to hear about the fires near you.


stay safe Bonnie!
Candied violets sound amazing.


The fire is still going with a windy day but not too near me. I got about 32 oz out of those 1tsp of leaves and I think it could go even further! Great taste!

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408 tasting notes

This is one of the samples I had with my Butiki Order.

I have no words to say how fantastic this tea is…It’s a kind of perfection, a violet and rose perfection.
Of course these two flavours are among my favorites but the way this tea is blended and flavoured is just wonderful.

It’s just so delicate,the kind of tea you are happy to have in the finest china bone tea cup.

I regret now not having ordered 4 oz of it.
I more than highly recommend Rose Violet Calendula Oolong.

Thanks so much Stacy :)

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Hesper June

Oh, my! this tea is such a delight. I think the only I can describe it is magical!


Magical is the right word :)


I had never had violet in a tea before I tried this one. I like it1

Terri HarpLady

I’ve never had violet in a tea, but I add the flowers to salads, & have made frittatas with the tender greens & flowers (although they are not nearly as delicious as dandelions).


I am one who likes this tea too!


well Terri if I had known this 2 days before…I would have sent you some Violette from Dammann Frères too
This BT seems to have a lot of lovers, I understand why :)

Terri HarpLady

Ysaurella we’ll just have to remember that for our next trade ;)

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1113 tasting notes

Thanks so much to the lovely teamore for this swap sample!

I’m a little leery of heavily floral teas, though a good jasmine green is one of my favorite things ever. This one does NOT taste like drinking perfume, LOL. It is delicate, feminine, sweet and totally drinkable! It is the kind of flavor I can get lost in…

I really want to try the Champagne Rose Cream now! ugh!!!!

Butiki Teas

The Champagne & Rose Cream is one of the teas I’m most proud of. I love how it came out. I definitely recommend giving it a try. :)


I’m hoping to place an order not next week but the week after. Fingers crossed for art fair monies! And fingers crossed you don’t run out of carrot cake before then! :)

Butiki Teas

Stephanie-I would really doubt that we would run out of the carrot cake by then. We have enough for 3 large batches. I could always set aside an ounce for you to be sure though.


Ok great! Sounds like you have plenty, don’t worry about holding any :)

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Oh man. Another to add to my wishlist for butiki. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Champagne & rose cream is already on there as well. Too many! Not enough mulah! :(

Butiki Teas

Stephanie-Ok. I will be announcing when we are getting low on it anyways.

BrewTEAlly Sweet-Glad to hear that our teas sound interesting! :)


I can vouch for the champagne and rose cream being exquisite, and am a huge, huge, huge fan of the rose violet calendula. It’s almost too beautiful for me to drink. Almost.


Thanks, I’ll have to check this one out. I’ve been searching for a decent rose tea for a while now. Currently drinking Numi white rose which is okay but lacks the rose flavor I was expecting.

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615 tasting notes

This is so beautiful my oh my oh my.

This first steep brews up a lovely champagne color and is primarily a sweet green oolong with highlights of jasmine.

The second steep (4:00) is where there really opens into a beautiful bouquet. The color becomes slightly warmer and deeper. The rose becomes the dominant flavor, but the other’ still play in the background. It’s lovely and immersive without being perfumey or artificial, and it manages to be strongly flavored while still being delicate.

The third steep (5:00) smells more of lavender and tastes more of it too. While the rose is still a dominant flavor, the lavender matches it in presence. There’s a really gentle jasmine flutter at the tail of the sip.

This tea is elevating me to a place of calm, and zen, where things are all teddy bears puppies and butterflies. I just want to get lost in this cup forever.

Thank you Short Sorceress!

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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