Bird & Blend Advent Calendar 2021 – Day 1
It’s been a few years since I had the B&B advent. And in all honesty, I wasn’t planning on getting it this year either but then they went and offered free international shipping and I gave in. Plus the design is so cute!
There are actually two sachets in each day this year, meant for sharing. My husband doesn’t drink tea, so I’m just using both sachets to steep up a big 16-ounce mug for myself instead!
I will say, this is extremely similar to the last tea I had – Merry Mistletoe from DAVIDsTEA. It’s a cranberry-flavored fruit tisane with hibiscus, stevia, and a hint of spice. Almost identical really, ha ha… Happily the stevia is less obvious here for me, and I get a bit more of a cherry candy note than cranberry. The spicing is extremely similar and equally subtle. Level of hibiscus is also very similar.
I feel like I drank the same tisane twice tonight! Ha ha… Luckily it was a pleasant one! I will say of the two, I prefer this version due to the subtler stevia. :)
Flavors: Apple, Candy, Cherry, Cinnamon, Floral, Fruity, Hibiscus, Red Fruits, Stevia, Sweet, Tart