Blackberry Dumpling

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Blackberry, Cinnamon, Pastries, Bread, Cream, Fruity, Malt, Molasses, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla, Yogurt, Jam
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 oz / 351 ml

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Tea of the Week for August 27, 2018!

I live in the Pacific Northwest and blackberries are abundant out here. So abundant, in fact, that you can find them growing just about everywhere and they’re definitely a favorite fruit in my house. Because they are a favorite and it’s been a while since my last blackberry tea – I wanted to celebrate summer (as I hope it’s coming to a close soon!!!) with another blackberry tea.

Now, I must confess, I’ve never actually had a blackberry dumpling but one day while browsing the web I found a recipe for blackberry dumplings and I thought they sounded amazing – so I decided that I should make a tea. Normally, I’d find someplace to try the thing I was trying to recreate in tea form – or at least make the thing – but this time, I decided to try the tea first. They don’t call me the mad tea artist for nothing!

I started with a blend of rich black teas – Yunnan, Ceylon & Assam – and then I added a bunch of blackberries, a little bit of cinnamon and nutmeg and a buttery, dough-like essence to complete the dumpling.

YUM! This tea is really delightful. The spice is just enough to enhance the berries without overwhelming the blend. The background has an almost ‘cookie dough’ kind of taste to it. And of course the tea is robust and completes the overall experience (because if I were to make blackberry dumplings, I’d of course make a pot of tea to go with, right?

organic ingredients: black teas, blackberries, cinnamon, nutmeg, calendula petals & natural flavors

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

20 Tasting Notes

1403 tasting notes

Hahaha! I’ve posted about THREE blackberry teas from 52teas today! Do you see a trend?!

And it’s another sipdown!

#long time ago internet hiatus sipdown

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2584 tasting notes

The first time I tried this tea, I found it a bit thin and boring, even bitter. Next time, I made sure to overleaf and steep it properly. I’m not a huge fan without adding milk, but with milk, it can be nice. It’s a sort of berries and cream flavor. I don’t get any pastry notes. I accidentally spilled the rest of the bag on the floor, so unfortunately, I won’t be having more of this one. But I did like the black base and found the whole combination to be rather pleasing.


oh no! poor tea. I hope it was only sample size.


Yeah, there was only one serving left, so it wasn’t the worst of losses! But I should really only open bags when I’m standing over the counter – lesson learned!

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314 tasting notes

On the Eighth day of Christmas . . . this is one of my faves, so I am happy that it won the votes to be in this year’s box. Bold black teas, sweet blackberries, tasty pastry notes. The note of warm cinnamon. It’s all there. Yummy!


I love this one…maybe there will be some left!

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1967 tasting notes

On a recent trip to Georgia, we stopped at a farm that sold turnovers and pies. Blackberry has always been one of my favorite flavors, so we opted for a blackberry turnover. It was more like a donut stuffed with fresh blackberry compote, and was served with vanilla ice cream. Absolutely decadent and wonderful. This tastes just like that! It has a jammy blackberry flavor, with a bit of cinnamon. The pastry note is distinct as well. I absolutely loved this tea.

Flavors: Blackberry, Cinnamon, Pastries

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1267 tasting notes

For the sipdown prompt, “A tea with honey added.”

This packet is from the 2018 Advent Box, so it is overdue for a sipdown. I had worked my way to the last serving, and figured I’d add honey this morning to tick that sipdown prompt box. I don’t normally put additions in tea, but I recognize that sometimes doing so can really elevate a cup, too.

While this cup is perfectly fine plain, it is a good one for a little added sweetness, too. The black base can hold up to it, and the bit of extra sweetness brings out a jamminess from the blackberry and a sweeter pastry element from the bread notes in the base.

I had grand plans to clean my house over the holiday weekend, but I’ve come down with Shingles and the new plan is laying on the couch with the cat and trying to move as little as possible. And sip tea, of course. So nice to have a comforting cuppa when feeling like hell.

Flavors: Blackberry, Bread, Fruity, Jam, Malt, Pastries, Smooth, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 350 ML

I’m sorry to hear about the shingles. I hope you feel better soon.


Oh, shingles are miserable. Take care!


Oh no! I have read that ravintsara can help, but that may be just for nerve pain later. I hope anything and everything they give you, works a treat against it.


Chickenpox vaccine came out in 95?, too late for us kids. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Martin Bednář

I wish you a speedy recovery!


Hope you feel better soon.


Sending good vibes for a swift recovery! Hope you’re feeling better already!


Hope the tea helps!

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16936 tasting notes

Hot cuppa drank while working from home earlier this week – I’ve said it before and will say it again but, the blackberry flavouring that Anne uses is really remarkable and it doesn’t get enough love! This was smooth and malty black tea, a kiss of cinnamon, and that gooey and warm blackberry jam note I love!

I finished a bunch of 52Teas blends this week, and that had me looking at the site to try and see if by chance any of them were still available for sale. None of them were, but I found a ton of other teas that interested me and so I ended up placing a sample order.

I want to say that VariaTEA did a really good job presenting a STRONG argument for what I shouldn’t order given the grandeur of my tea stash. If I was logical at all, I would have listened. In fact, she did talk me out of it for a solid 48 hours – but I kept coming back to some of the appetizing sounding blends on the site and I couldn’t risk not having the chance to try them… So I ignored her arguments entirely.


(I’m looking forward to the Blackberry Oolong though! Among many others)


Oooh yum! Blackberries are such a fav and blackberry done right in tea would be incredible!


I miss this one


I love this one. I hope it comes back at some point.
…and you’re right, the blackberry flavoring Anne uses is spectacular. I always look forward to her blackberry blends.


I thought this one was super boring when I tried it, but I’ve still got the rest of my pouch to experiment with. Maybe I shouldn’t give up on it yet, considering the number of fans it has!

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (257)

I have no idea what a blackberry dumpling is so I have no idea if this is accurate. It tastes good though. Sil was super kind and shared a serving and this is a whole lot of delicious blackberry flavor. Actual blackberry flavor, true to the fruit and distinct. It is also a warming cup thanks to the cinnamon and maltiness of the base. It tastes like a blackberry dumpling of sorts. Whether it is a dumpling or not, I do not know. Still I enjoyed trying this one a lot and would happily revisit it should it be reblended and I were placing a 52 Teas order.


i managed to snag 1 more package of this when ann updated her inventory. best time ever for me.

Cameron B.

I looked it up a bit, and it seems like Blackberry Dumpling is sort of similar to a cobbler? It’s basically blackberry pie filling that you drop dollops of sweet dough into and then bake.


Blackberry flavouring is so awesome. AQ2T had a Blackberry Pie tea, I believe, for one of the monthly blends, using the hand-rolled yunnan base, and I definitely bought more. I don’t think I picked up this one, but I’d for sure also be getting some if it was around when I placed an order!

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249 tasting notes

Very nice, “solid” tea. I would actually love a little more blackberry, but I can definitely taste it and I do get a hint of buttery pastry, too. The base is smooth and strong. This makes a really nice morning tea. I do like it better with a little sugar or sweetener, but it just needs a touch to bring out the berry.

Flavors: Blackberry, Malt, Pastries

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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15575 tasting notes

Tea from this morning. Wanted something extra specially delicious since last night was not a great kiddo night – cluster feeding and refusing to sleep anywhere but on mama! plus the realities of her coming early in terms of income etc are starting to sink in. bah! Nurse home visit today – so wanted to make sure i was functional when she was here. So this was the tea i pulled out. So glad i could sneak another package of this one in my last order. I really do enjoy the black teas with fruits that anne creates – especially blueberry/blackberry bolder fruits. Happy to have this one for a while longer.


Hope everything went well with the visit! Cluster feeding is not fun, nor is a baby that won’t sleep. I currently nurse to sleep then co-sleep with the little one for the majority of his naps because it’s the only way he naps (and he needs naps or life sucks for everyone). Luckily, I find co-sleeping much less scary now that he’s bigger.


It was a good visit! Of course now my parents miss her and want to see her more

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