On the fifth day of Christmas, 52Teas gave to me…Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake!
Another one that smells divine straight from the envelope. It’s actually reminding me more of a caramel latte than anything at the moment, so I’m interested to see how it develops. I can definetly smell caramel and a hint of something that might be pumpkin, so it’s looking good thus far.
Speaking of pumpkin, my last experience with a pumpkin tea wasn’t a good one. This is already shaping up to be infinetly better, though. Brewed, this tea takes on a sweet, slightly biscuitty note, and smells disconcertingly like cheesecake. I have to keep reminding myself it’s a cup of liquid when my nose is telling me otherwise.
Upon tasting, the name proves itself accurate. I can indeed taste caramel, pumpkin, and the same biscuitty note I detected while it was still brewing. It’s probably an indication of how new I am to this whole tea busienss that I’m still surprised when something actually tastes like it smells. It’s a revelation to me, though, and this is developing into a really nice tea, more so as it cools.
On balance, I think it’s the caramel that makes this tea truly delicious. It adds a smooth sweetness that rounds out the savoury spiciness of the pumpkin. It’s a 100% improvement on the last pumpkin tea I tried, and, although it’s not my favourite of the 12 Teas of Christmas so far, it certainly holds its own in terms of flavour. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters to me.
This is one tea that works well with an added sugar and drop of milk. I bought a pouch a while ago and found that it helps bring out the creaminess.
I steeped for 2:30 and it wasn’t bitter at all. I agree with KittyLovesTea, it was better with a bit of milk and sugar.
Maybe bring the temp down to 205 or 200 if you’re making it at boiling.
all great advice! thank you! i learn a lot from reading reviews but having actual guidance is priceless. i will have another cup later tonight and i’m sure it will be superb!
I still haven’t tried the milk and sugar thing (but I’m sure it would be delicious). I agree with bringing down the temp and also with being careful not to over-steep.