Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Calendula Petals, Natural Flavours
Pumpkin, Smooth, Caramel, Cream, Molasses, Cloves, Cheesecake, Malt, Spices
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 364 ml

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From 52teas

Yes, it’s that time of year again, time for a pumpkin blend, but not just any pumpkin blend. Here’s our premium black teas blended with marigold petals and natural and organic flavors. It’s a guilt-free (vegan even) caramelly, cheesecakey, pumpkiny feast for your sweet-tooth all wrapped up in the hug of a great cuppa premium black tea.

Our Tea of the Week for the week of September 24, 2012


The original blend was a black tea base with marigold petals and organic flavors. We can do that!

Our black tea base IS different from the original. We spent months developing a black tea base that is well rounded and flavorful. To learn more about it, click here.

So we took our all-new, go-to black tea base and blended it with organic marigold petals and all-natural, organic flavors. As the original description states; “It’s a guilt-free (vegan even) caramelly, cheesecakey, pumpkiny feast for your sweet-tooth all wrapped up in the hug of a great cuppa premium black tea.” And it is!

The Large Size is 2 ounces.

Ingredients: Organic black teas, organic marigold petals and organic, all-natural flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

159 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Thanks Azzrian

Caramel, Pumpkin, Cheesecake – all present and accounted for and lovely! It’s sweet, it’s smooth, it’s a bit of pumpkin-spice, it’s a nicely flavored black without being over flavored. I really like this!

Rich, Flavorful, Dessert-like!
A Winner!

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137 tasting notes

Drank this in a frenzy yesterday morning while trying to get myself (and my apartment) ready for a visit from the parents. They’re not in town often but they always seem to catch me at a super busy time when my place happens to be a mess. Sigh. I got everything in order just about in time though, and obviously I couldn’t skip out on my morning cup of tea.

I love pumpkin teas and this one is nearly perfect. I love the rich spices and the addition of caramel. I’m really glad I picked up a pouch. Especially since I’m kicking myself for getting 3 pouches of Butterbeer, which I swear has changed. I keep getting bitterness. Sigh. At least I have lots to experiment with I suppose.


My in-laws just came for a visit and that is the only reason my apartment is clean, LOL! We moved in a year ago, and we still have boxes sitting around.

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652 tasting notes

Hum. Drank my second steep of this last night, added a bit of coconut palm sugar this time.

That made it taste a little better, but I realized that I’d probably really enjoy this tea if it didn’t have the word “cheesecake” in the title. I don’t taste that at all and given how much I love cheesecake, that’s the ultimate disappointment.

If it was just called Pumpkin Spice Cake or something I’d be easier on it and I’d definitely enjoy it more. I know that’s all subconscious but that’s how my brain works, friends! You call something “Cheesecake” and you’d better deliver the goods!

It doesn’t taste bad at all, it’s fairly yum, but I still like DT’s Pumpkin Chai better, it doesn’t require sweetening and at least it’s true to its moniker.

My rating remains the same!


I love pumpkin teas and this one didn’t nearly hit the spot for me either.


I don’t generally care for chai, so I’m a bit scared to try that Pumpkin Chai. I loved Butiki’s Pumpkin Creme Brulee, though, and I do really enjoy pumpkin pie. Maybe I’ll try it today.


I don’t care much for chais either! DT Pumpkin Chai seems different for some reason, not as overwhelmingly spicy

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1764 tasting notes

Thanks to Raritea for this sample, you are so sweet to give me the last of yours!
On the tea, I really quite like this. Funny though, as much as I am swooning over my cuppa, I’m not really upset over having only a tiny bit left. That leaves me confused as to how I should rate it.
The caramel part is most present for me. Burnt sugar. Yum! It really builds on the base black, which I now recognize after having had Cotton Candy tea.
Pumpkin doesn’t shine through so much, it’s more of a sensation or impression of pumpkin for me. I see what Raritea means when she mentioned pumpkin rind.
Last, there is the cheescake. There is something creamy going on but cake? Ehhhh, not really. More like pie I think, without any crust and a few spoonfuls of creamcheese. So Cheesepie. Yes, I think that fits much better!
I love the flavour, and that it doesn’t require any sugar, or maybe just a tiny bit. or milk. It’s just fine on it’s own. And resteeps well! However I’m not thrilled about the base. Between this one and the cotton candy, I’ve determined that the burnt flavour I keep getting is not 100% for me. Sure in this case it works well so I don’t really mind… and you know, it IS nice for a change, just not something I’d want all the time.
So overall, if this were offered to me I would certainly not turn it down! and if it was all that I had it would more than satisfy me :D


moar for meeeee! i still have almost 2 full packages at home lol


yup yup, she’s alll yours :D

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525 tasting notes

Yum! The smell! Wow! Smells more like butterscotch than caramel but I’m not complaining. And the spice! Frank has a way with spicing.

Definitely taste pumpkin and caramel. Love the nutmeg here. It’s an under appreciated spice. Tried it with a touch of cream and sugar but I like it much better plain. Cream hides the flavors. Might be okay with just sugar? Will try next time.

Second steep has little flavoring. Tastes just like a plain black with a hint of spice. Not a bad black base. :) I’m glad I took a chance on this one.


I find this one very rarely gives a decent second infusion. But the first is excellent!

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299 tasting notes

YUM. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked this because my initial thought was: pales in comparison to the pumpkin chai David’s Tea.. but they’re not really trying to do the same thing, are they?

I added brown sugar and a bit of milk and YESSSS, it’s good. This is a tea to have when you feel like doing the whole milk & sugar thing. Without, it’s just not the same.

BTW, 100th tasting note! :-O

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

100 notes! Congrats! :D


Thanks! I do like to blather on. :D


Nice! Those 52 Teas sound pretty good. I have Witching Hour,
Cotton Candy Black, and Banana Foster samples on the way!

And grats on 100!


cotton candy! O___O!!


If I have enough I can send a little your way! I bought a mystery box full of 20+ samples. (Except I know about those 3)


oh neat! that’s an awesome to try a bunch of new stuff (your cupboard is gonna look crazy!!) :P


Oh man I know! I’m gonna be over a hundred soon! :O If the samples are too small though maybe I won’t add them in. I should probably come up with a system. Too bad we couldn’t add notes to our cupboard – flag samples, flag tradeable teas etc.

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166 tasting notes

Today, I made this double strength and added ice for a delicious iced tea. Love it this way!


oooh now there’s a thought..

Donna A

Sil, I can seriously see this as a “go to” when I’m in the mood for iced tea. Its that good. I did put some stevia in it, which I do for all iced teas.


Ill have to give it a shot, maybe tomorrow :)

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358 tasting notes

Sipdown! I can’t remember if I actually drank a cup of this before from my 12 Days of Tea pack? I had a blank tasting note for it and just enough to make a little less than 2 cups today, so did I actually drink a cup or just think about drinking a cup? Hmmm. . .I think if I had a cup I would’ve finished it before today – it’s really good! I kept forgetting that there was cheesecake in it and could only really taste it in the aftertaste when I added milk. It’s a cup full of pumpkin spiciness (reminded me of pumpkin pie) and a sweet caramelly flavor. This may just be my favorite 52 Teas blend yet!

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves and yellow and orange petals.
-Dry leaves smell of sweet caramel and pumpkin spice. Tea liquor aroma is of pumpkin.
-Tea liquor is a medium orange color.
-Caramel flavor with a strong spicy pumpkin finish. Slight cheesecake aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. A cup of creamy pumpkin with a caramel sweetness!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

Each packet had about 6 tsp, which makes about 4 cups for me :)

Josie Jade

Mystery solved, thanks Kittena! I must’ve had a cup before but just not enjoyed it as much as I did today for some reason. :)

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615 tasting notes

Tea #19 from Another Traveling Tea Box

I could smell the pumpkin and spices as soon as the hot water hit the leaf, but I might have been the teensy tiniest bit nervous for this when I smelled what brewed up. It came out smelling like a strong black tea, with maybe a slight bit of pumpkin spice.

And all that for nothing. It’s spice, pumpkin and caramel and quite tasty. The pumpkin flavor is really impressive in that it’s a spot on pumpkin and lingers. Sugar amplifies the caramel notes, but I still miss the cheesecake and crust elements. We’re out of milk, but I think that would be outstanding in here, too!

A yummy spicy, seasonal cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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297 tasting notes

It finally got here. My orders from 52teas seems to take forever, probably because I am most excited for them.
I ripped into my package when I got home from work and then not so carefully ripped open each of the three yeas i recived. I smelt this one last.
Soooooo carameley, oh my with the added bonus of pumpkin spices. I should have waited to try this, I am all congested and my taste buds are acting up…. aside from that by the time this steeped it was 6:40, I knew a black tea at that hour was a horrible idea and I am paying for it. Eeeek, and now tomorrow I have to start work early.

Anyways to the tea, or what I could taste of it. I definetly over steeped this, I was multi tasking and the tea suffered as usual. It’s definetly a carameley tea for sure, so good. I didn’t get much of any other flavours other than bitterness from the over steep (probably a result of my congestion). I added one crystal of rock sugar and a touch of milk just to alleviate the bitterness. Ooohh if this is even yummier when steeped properly and when i can taste thongs like normal people I am going to be in tea heaven.

I will give this a numerical rating once I can enjoy it properly, the way it deserves.

Boiling 7 min, 45 sec

Ugh – I HATE when I get distracted and oversteep a tea. It’s these few times I say, “This wouldn’t be an issue if I had a Breville…” but then I say, “NO!! You don’t need to spend that kind of money! Think of how many teas you could buy.”

Yeah.. it’s a constant battle.

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