I figured I’d go back and try a bagged tea after all of the loose leaf I’ve had, and see how differently it tastes. That project flew out the window, though, because I think I overstepped this puppy. I was in the midst of a highly entertaining e-mail conversation and let the teabag float there for too long. As a result, this one isn’t tasting as good this morning.
The tea juice is a lot darker than I remember. It’s probably because loose leaf is much less murky and dark. Loose leaf is also a lot less bitter. That might be from the oversteep, because I really don’t remember my cup of English Breakfast looking this dark, but it was still surprisingly bitter compared to what I’ve been drinking the past few days. The nice flavor profiles are still there, but I find myself not wanting to pick up the cup as often. I think that bags might be even more finicky than loose leaf (or at least some bags, for that matter), since you’re releasing so much dust/tannins into the water at such an accelerated rate. If you don’t watch, it’s bitter.
Muahahaha! The loose is gonna get you!
(I feel like I should be skipping madly away after that pronouncement.)
Muahahaha! The loose is gonna get you!
(I feel like I should be skipping madly away after that pronouncement.)
tea juice = lol
HAHA! Lena and I had the same thought at ALMOST the same time. It made me laugh. I have had tea juice before, but that’s actually tea steeped in juice:)