576 Tasting Notes


My staple. It’s my first day back at work after being out for surgery and there is too much BS going on… thank goodness for this spicy wonder… and my painkillers. (Please see other tasting notes.)


Hope you are feeling better! As I said in one of my comments on an earlier logging of yours I got a sample of this with an order today…if the BS continues here today I might dig into it!


Do you sweeten it? Friend gave me some along with some rock sugar, but I’m drinking mine straight up this morning.


@Wifey_Woman: thank you, I am!! I definitely recommend it – it’s a great antidote to BS. :)
@gmathis: I usually do sweeten with Splenda, although I have brewed up a whole pot with rock sugar and enjoyed it. But today it was straight up, like you. :) YUM! I love all the spices!


Welcome back! I hope you are on the road to recovery!


@teawing – thanks, and yes, I am! :)


@teawing – thank you and yes, I am! :)


I’m not much of a chai lover, but this one is definitely nice.

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Found this one in the back of my tea cupboard and couldn’t remember when I purchased it. Whoops! So I tried brewing it to see how it turned out. I remembered that I liked it OK, but wouldn’t purchase it again.

Now, on to this cuppa: it’s funny that it’s considered oolong to me, because it tastes more like green tea if anything. It’s much more grassy and light. (Maybe it’s a poor quality, I don’t know.) The tartness is extreme – anti-hibiscusers beware! I added two Splenda packets to make this more drinkable. It’s decent, but again, I wouldn’t repurchase. That tartness is tough to beat. Perhaps if the raspberries were mixed with a sweeter fruit (kiwi? banana?) or just a big ol’ sugar crystal this would have more appeal.

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This is smoky and minty – bliss, really. It’s cooling to the palate and senses, but with a hint of smoky tea, enough to keep you interested. I drink this all the time, especially in the afternoons. It’s stress-relieving as well! :) A pantry must-have!

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This is so comforting to me, on a rainy and gray day like today. No rating as this is my blend. Please see other notes. And lemme know if you wanna try it!


I wouldn’t mind trying this. Always looking for something new and different and I’d never heard of the tea used here.


I’d love to try this, too! It sounds interesting!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

She has some on sale here… http://teatra.de/marketplace/ it really is worth a try. Just page thru the list and you will find it.


Thanks Rachel! :)


Thanks Jackie! :) There’s a note on the Adagio page; I was blending at home and originally tried it at 30% lapsang, but decided it was too much. 10% is just the right amount. Can’t wait to see what you pair with it! :)


This tea sounds utterly fantastic!


I would love to try this! :)

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One of my tea friends recently had a birthday. She’s an Earl Grey fiend, so I purchased a bunch of EG samplers for her, from Adagio and other places.

I decided to try EG Lavender by Adagio for myself. I’ve tried other EG Lavender varieties – such as Metro Teas – and enjoyed the cuppas. I call EG Lavender the EG Gateway. I’ll get there some day, folks.

But not with this variety. This doesn’t taste anything like lavender! It brews up syrupy sweet – meaning it smells like syrup. And not in the way that the awesome Pancake Breakfast from 52teas does (which is my latest obsession). It’s bizarre. I’m going to try to brew it w/less time, maybe that will help.

Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed that I trusted Adagio’s EGs for a b-day present.

See more on my quest for EG on my blog: keenteathyme.blogspot.com

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This is the perfect tea for the afternoon, hot or cold. I love that you can just leave green rooibos in the tea as long as you want, no restrictions. So when I forget that I have brewed tea for the afternoon, it’s not all bitter when I realize it 30 mins later. :) And I’m glad it doesn’t give me migraines like that pesky red rooibos!


I’m always forgetting that my tea is brewing. ;)


So glad I’m not the only one!!

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I was so excited to try this – and it’s pure genius! Toasty, marshmallowy and sweet, this tea does remind me of a rice krispie treat! I did add Splenda which enhances the sweetness, of course. My first cup doesn’t have any marshmallows in it – they are further down the bag – but I can still taste a hint of it. Absolutely delicious, as per usual, Frank! :)


I’m so glad he got the stuff to make a vegan version!

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Just blended up a huge batch of this. I love it! It’s fruity and sweet but also floral and elegant. I am lovin’ the green rooibos.

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I love this strawberry pick-me-up. I created this blend for a friend and love every cup of it. No rating as it is one of my custom blends from Adagio.

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This was a weird cup. Even though I’ve used pomegranate green in some of my signature blends on Adagio, this was completely bland. There’s no fruit flavor in the sip, although it was lightly scented. Even the green tea base was, eh. Glad I got this as a sample first. Ick!

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Hello fellow tea fans!
I’ve been a tea enthusiast for years but just recently started brewing my own. I’ve created some blends, and enjoy researching about new teas. I combined my love of tea and writing to create a tea-devoted blog, Keen Tea Thyme. I have been writing for most of my life and am a former journalist with a degree in Communications and Social Psychology, and a minor in Writing. Journalism is in my blood, so that means I’m inquisitive by nature, will double-check sources and/or get a second opinion as needed, but also fair and balanced in my reviews. If my reviews seem more positive, energetic and have high ratings, it’s because I love tea. :)

If you are a tea company, I’d love to review some your tea! Free samples are always welcome so I can fully enjoy the freshest selections. I’m also open to tea swaps as I always have too many teas on hand to drink & would love to share with other tea enthusiasts! :)

My Simple Rating Scale (as of Feb. 2011)
>50: I’m NOT a fan. I could barely finish the cup, if I even did. I wouldn’t even recommend this to my worst enemy. Not worth my time nor yours.

51-65: Good aroma, good flavor. Just nothing pops to give the tea that special kick. Recommended to try; our tasting palates differ.

66-79: Yes, finally, tea – unique flavor profiles, great aroma & flavor. Recommended to try; our tasting palates differ.

80-99: These are cupboard essentials – delicious, aromatic and perfect everyday teas. Re-steepable (beyond at least one steeping). Highly recommended, fun for all ages.

100: These are my favorites, the ones I would take with me if stranded on a desert island. Beyond Highly Recommended.

Just Launched: Keen Tea Thyme @ Etsy

Check out my shop at Tea Trade:

Be “keen” on tea at Keen Tea Thyme, my blog:
Reviews, blogs, tea leaf readings, puzzles, contests and more.

And check out some of my blends from Adagio:
Toasted Marshmallow

Vampire Lemonade

If you have a signature blend you’d like me to try, we can swap teas! PM me for details! :)

Happy Brewing! :)


Frederick, MD



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