I’m typically not a fan of “plain” (unflavored) black teas… not sure why, but my tastebuds need/want/require flavor. But this is the one tea that is the exception to my “rule.” Even though it’s technically a “plain” tea, you can immediately smell and taste the cocoa aroma/flavor in your first whiff and then first sip. I do usually add some sweetener to this (says the sweet-tooth queen) but honestly, that’s just me. This is sweet enough on its own. I love the cocoa wake-up flavor. Now if I could just get my body to accept the fact that it’s A.M. and I should at least appear to be awake for work, I’ll be all set. ;)
black teas are full of ‘flavors’…Yunnans have malty, citrus and sometimes leather and blueberry notes….Ceylon are brisk with tannins, dark fruit leather, carob….Darjeelings of white grape skin, flowers….Kenya and Tanzania of spice and earth….and Quimen/Keemun of plums and mulled wine….they are so rich on thier own and lush with memories they unlocked if we listen…slather them with chemical compounds and synthetic flavor oils, toss in pesticide laden dried fruit and flowers…and its a chemical bath…and no longer a dance with nature and weather….i’m glad you could find a way to appreciate the dragon pearls…i hope it frees you to find more nuances in your cup that are natural and raw and not made in a lab :)
Hey, those easily offended – I don’t always notice the flavors of other “plain” teas; every one’s taste is subjective. No reason to get upset. I respect your reviews, all I ask is that you respect mine.
black teas are full of ‘flavors’…Yunnans have malty, citrus and sometimes leather and blueberry notes….Ceylon are brisk with tannins, dark fruit leather, carob….Darjeelings of white grape skin, flowers….Kenya and Tanzania of spice and earth….and Quimen/Keemun of plums and mulled wine….they are so rich on thier own and lush with memories they unlocked if we listen…slather them with chemical compounds and synthetic flavor oils, toss in pesticide laden dried fruit and flowers…and its a chemical bath…and no longer a dance with nature and weather….i’m glad you could find a way to appreciate the dragon pearls…i hope it frees you to find more nuances in your cup that are natural and raw and not made in a lab :)
Tea is flavor.
Hey, those easily offended – I don’t always notice the flavors of other “plain” teas; every one’s taste is subjective. No reason to get upset. I respect your reviews, all I ask is that you respect mine.
i’m lost…was sombody offended?
your right..everybody’s taste is subjective…from time of day, to diet, to raw genetics….