4337 Tasting Notes
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – July 2024 Tea #4 – A tea you can’t repurchase
An actual remove-from-cupboard sipdown of all iterations of this tea. And I looked on Teavivre’s site for fun, and it looks like this one is currently out of stock, so I’m counting it for this prompt. Though it does look like they have some other similar new teas. It was time to say goodbye to this harvest though! It was an amazing green when it was fresh…
2024 sipdowns: 50
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – July 2024 Tea #3 – A minty tea
Woowee does this teabag pack a peppermint punch. They are not joking around. The color of the brew almost looks like black tea and I didn’t steep it THAT long (the instructions suggest 10-15 minutes. whoa.) The flavor is herbal, vegetal, but also slightly sweet and VERY minty. This can be used as some serious relief for my headaches. I will try to remember that.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – July 2024 Tea #2 – July 7 – World Chocolate Day
Perfect day to finish this tea, though whoever decided chocolate day should be in summer?!? It’s a billion degrees out today. Though I will definitely be sure to find some chocolate today anyway, as I have “an excuse” to eat chocolate. (Though now that I think about it, I probably have at least a LITTLE chocolate every day.) To be fair, this tea was mostly just stevia flavored… a shame. I couldn’t even begin to say what it was supposed to taste like if I didn’t know already… just drowning in stevia. Maybe that was just the result of the dust of the pouch though.
2024 sipdowns: 49
I made hot chocolate with cacao nibs and took it outside to Ashman, who was watering the garden and drenched in sweat. Me: “Bear with me, please. I know it is hot but I want you to taste this.” He is on his second cup,
I am with you, why is Chocolate Day in summer? We can’t even get the good stuff shipped here without paying for the styrofoam and freezer packs and expedited shipping. I have cabin fever because it is too hot and humid to go outside for more than a few minutes.
I guess I never wrote a note for this. It is from a teabox at some point in the past! I guess the company has folded. I wouldn’t trust the accuracy on noticing whatever flavors were originally here, but I don’t taste any hibiscus or berry at all at this point. What has inspired me to write a note today is the wonderful guayusa base. It’s flavorful, it’s quality, and somehow still seems fresh! I guess I forgot how much I like guayusa. It seems an underappreciated form of caffeine! And a nice change of flavor, if I ever get tired of black tea (not like that would happen in any universe.)
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – July 2024 Tea #1 -World Watercolor Month: drink a tea whose color you love
I had to go with this tea for this prompt. Let me tell you why I love this brew color that is just shy of the color of green tea, though it is a fruity tea with red ingredients. I love this brew color because it doesn’t contain any hibiscus! And it doesn’t need to! There is so much flavor here! Cherry, cranberry, kiwi, apple, coconut. It’s so good. I would keep this STOCKED AT ALL TIMES.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2024 Tea #8 -A white tea
I am NOT accomplishing these sipdowns as fast as I would like this year. uh oh.. But I’m still drinking tea and enjoying it, and that is what matters. This tea is now gone. It was okay as the last sip disappeared, but you can’t fault it for being an old tea at this point! Those tiny pearls sure did unravel.
2024 sipdowns: 48
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2024 Tea #7 – Your oldest oolong
This is not the oldest oolong I have, but it might be the oldest I have with me at the moment. Plus, it’s an actual sipdown, so I’m fine with that! This was quite a decent oolong that I enjoyed. I wouldn’t mind it finding its way into the cupboard again… eventually, maybe. I had all intentions of doing the cream tea prompt yesterday, but the cream in the fridge was frozen! I steeped up a great tea to have with cream and everything… ah well. Right now I’m reading an awesome book: Barkskins by Annie Proulx.
2024 sipdowns: 47
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2024 Tea #6 – A peachy tea
Not a sipdown but glad as usual that it isn’t… I love this herbal blend. Another one great for summer weather. Though this had more nuance when it was fresh… I just want to add a scoop of ice cream to it like I have only ever thought to do with B&B’s Jelly + Ice Cream blend….
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2024 Tea #5 – A tea from India
I was debating on including this for the “refreshing summer tea” prompt, but this is a rare tea I have with me from India, so I switched it. It’s a Darjeeling base. Raspberry and lemon go really well together, and those both pair very well with Darjeeling. It was a tasty, unique blend! I’m surprised there aren’t more blends like this one because the flavor combinations seem obvious! Definitely fitting for summer. And I don’t think TeaSource has it anymore.
2024 sipdowns: 46