Additional notes: Ah, my poor golden buds, suffering the most with age. It is a shame shame shame. What was once the most complex deliciousness, now could not be more flatter. It’s definitely a lesson to drink what I have before acquiring more teas. I think I have been drinking teas for… fifteen years now. Only fifteen? And I think I know what I like now, what favorites I should have stocked up, instead of the “try everything” phase. So hopefully the teas will sipped down, whittled down and I will have a curated collection. For example: I only have a handful of hojicha samples, but have not drank any of those in a good long while. So I wouldn’t need much hojicha around.

Edited to add: A previous note for this tea mentioned that I wish I had three pounds of this in my cupboard but that would have been a TERRIBLE idea. Even though I’m sure I knew that six years ago. I’m very glad I didn’t stock up. Little amounts of fresh at a time would be much better!

Edited again: Okay, the second steep at boiling tastes much better, but still. Not as complex. The first steep must have been very cooled before steeping.


A thousand times yes! I have too much tea but less than I used to have. I am trying not to order anything but dearly loved teas until I get this under better control. It is so sad when a great tea tastes meh because I didn’t drink it fast enough. Like…by three years.


Can relate on hojicha: I have quite a few weird Japanese teas that I cannot bring myself to finish. In general, I often try distinct, unusual teas and, while appreciating their uniqueness just cannot bring myself back to them.

That what you get for exploring and trying new teas. On the other hand, sticking to only the same favorite tried-and-true kinds feels so boring.


Sure! I LIKE hojicha, I’m just never gravitating towards it. Which means I don’t need to stock up. Having ie: one half ounce sample would work for me. Exploring teas is always fun, but I think it will be toned down a bit more now. At least until some of my favorite shops start disappearing again and I have to seek out more favorites (eek – but they tend to do that anyway, so I’m expecting it.)

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A thousand times yes! I have too much tea but less than I used to have. I am trying not to order anything but dearly loved teas until I get this under better control. It is so sad when a great tea tastes meh because I didn’t drink it fast enough. Like…by three years.


Can relate on hojicha: I have quite a few weird Japanese teas that I cannot bring myself to finish. In general, I often try distinct, unusual teas and, while appreciating their uniqueness just cannot bring myself back to them.

That what you get for exploring and trying new teas. On the other hand, sticking to only the same favorite tried-and-true kinds feels so boring.


Sure! I LIKE hojicha, I’m just never gravitating towards it. Which means I don’t need to stock up. Having ie: one half ounce sample would work for me. Exploring teas is always fun, but I think it will be toned down a bit more now. At least until some of my favorite shops start disappearing again and I have to seek out more favorites (eek – but they tend to do that anyway, so I’m expecting it.)

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Hi! I love tea and trying new ones – it adds a bit of variety to my day! Books, music, TV & movies are my thing… and tea, of course.

Some of my favorite tea shops (still operating):
Dammann Freres

Favorite tea shops (RIP):

My icon photo is Richard Mayhew from the graphic novel ‘Neverwhere’ by Neil Gaiman, Mike Carey & Glenn Fabry.

Most of the teas listed in my cupboard are actually sample sizes. I don’t really have 2,000 ounces of tea around here! Many of my teas have only one teaspoon left… maybe two. But I like keeping them in my cupboard list for reference to what I could be sipping. Usually, I write tasting notes once for each tea. I’m still drinking them, just not writing tasting notes each time!

I’m always in search of: Hattialli, Qu Hao black, Jin Jun Mei, teas using marshmallow root.

My dislikes: hibiscus, ginger (unless in chai), turmeric, bee pollen, charcoal type flavors

My ratings:
95-100 – Super awesome deliciousness favorites – cupboard essential
80-95 – Also pretty delicious
65-80 – Pretty good
50-65 – Okay
1-50 – Probably won’t want to sip it again

I’m planning on being a Steepsterer as long as there IS a Steepster, so if you’re not hearing from me, that means something happened to my health… if you know what I mean. (Or as evidenced by the great computer hiatus of 2019, something happened to my computer… I have a dumb phone so can’t access internet on that. As of 12/20/21 my wifi might start getting unreliable.)

Happy sipping!



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