A tea that I won in April! The previous version was on my wishlist and this was the reblend for this month. I wasn’t sure if Anne would be adding a V2 entry for the new version, so I’m posting this in the old version. This blend is white teas added to the houjicha! I probably would like this blend better with the added white tea. Some white teas seem naturally lemony to me. There is definitely a lot more white tea here than houjicha. I can’t taste much of the houjicha at all, only hints of that roasted flavor. Sadly, NO cheesecake flavor for me. Huh. (I never seem to taste any cheesecake flavor in any of 52Teas.) But plenty of lemon — more like lemon verbena flavored than lemon grass but I always appreciate the many different lemon ingredients in a lemon blend. This blend isn’t special enough overall though. (And lower points for no noticeable cheesecake.)
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoon for a full mug// 25 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // 18 minutes after boiling // 3-4 minute steep
Also, I just recently watched the new Ghostbusters and I’m wondering how in the name of anything holy there is not a marshmallow man parade float for NYC? And this movie should have certainly given someone the idea if the previous marshmallow man did not. Something is not right in the world if there is not a StayPuft marshmallow man in a NYC parade. I like meta things.