297 Tasting Notes

How does a tea that smells so amazing taste to blah & belch.
This is so orange, creamy & sweet smelling, but it doesn’t follow through.
It’s quite void of yummy flavours & possesses a stale, almost musty flavour.

Just not working for me

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Decided to try this little gem this morning. New tea #4 from my sample packs.

This was the one I was looking forward to the most!
I understeeped this because I was in a major rush this morning. (took too long making myself cute for a client that is coming in ahaha…. I am LAME!)
So it lacked a bit in flavour. It is malty & chocolatey (but not as malty as Chocolate Chili Truffle- I’m sure that’s the under steeping.).
Definetly have to give this another go with a proper steep time, because I am sure it will be scrumptious.

I love Whoppers (the chocolate) & haven’t had any in a really long time so this was why I wanted this tea.

This tea is sitting on the lower shelf on the desk at work, I keep sniffing around because I smell chocolate cake, can’t figure out from where. I tell my co-worker I smell chocolate cake, DUH! clued in & smelt my tea…. yup pure freshly baking chocolate cake. And this tea isn’t even hot anymore.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Sounds good!

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Om nom nom. This is so delicious. Must buy more. This may be my favourite Rooibos ever!
Sweet & honeyie & spicy… delicious!

I really want to make more, but I am so tired.

Boiling 8 min or more

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This is my second new tea, I love mint & chocolate, however it’s almost always in a caffeinated tea. So I was really glad to see this one.

However this was kind of just a blah tea. The rooibos takes the lead & the mint & chocolate take a major backseat & hardly come through.

Boiling 8 min or more

bah sorry to see that.


Rooibos kills most other flavours for me. Sorry it did that for you with this one.

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Soooo many new teas to choose from in my order that arrived this morning.

I’m not sure why I chose to try this one first, when what I have really been waiting for is Malt Shop.

This is really freakin good. Creamy & stawberry-ie, it’s better when it’s still quite hot, I find the flavours come out more. I’m not getting much chocolate, most of it is at the end of the sip.

This is definetly ice cream in a cup, melted & warmed deliciousness. YUM!

I really forgot how much a half ounce of tea is, I’m gonna be at this forever! 19 new teas to try.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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You know how just when you think a tea can’t get any better? Then it does?

Yea well this is one of those. I have a feeling I will be through my 2oz in no time & will need more, MORE, MORE, MORE!!

gah it’s so good. Quite different this time, more of a light floral note, still earthy, light & so freakin good!

Thanks Brenden (I have to say I am impressed that your name is spelt this way, my brother’s is the same & you rarely see it spelt like this), for this amazing blend!!

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec
Whispering Pines Tea Company

And this tea has gotten better again, by the way ;)

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I’m really surprised this hasn’t been reviewed yet.

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this tea yet. I need some time to sit with another mug of it.
It definetly remind me of camping (ok so 90% of Whispering Pines teas remind me of camping & I can’t tell you how much I LOVE that!), both in smell & taste. It’s earthy, almost hay like & a bit berry-ie.
The colour it steeps up is so strange. I had it in a white mug & the tea touching the edges of the mug was a yellow-ish/green & the centre was an almost grey/green colour.

I feel like I should be drinking this in a sauna or by a fire.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
Whispering Pines Tea Company

Eat the leaves when you’re done! :) These are delicious hehe

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Alright so once this steeped up I was really worried about it because it smelt so much like coffee.

I dove in sitting at work, slacking. Errr my fear is realized it tastes so much like coffee. I’m sure there is some chocolate linering at the end of the sip, but I can’t get past the coffee taste.

I’m sure this is a great tea, if you like coffee. I just can’t get behind this one.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I won a sample of this a while back from their facebook page.
the first time I had this (which I forgot to log), I really really didn’t like it.

this time around is much better. I really dislike the smell of this tea once it’s steeped, smells way too rooibos & something else off putting.
the taste is mostly citrus, I’m not getting the other individual flavours, but somehow they all work together to create something pretty good.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Jessie's Tea by DAVIDsTEA
297 tasting notes

I received this in a swap a while back, not entirely sure from who, and finally got around to a pot if it. I needed tea & can only drink herbals at this hour. it’s been raining all day, I’m super blah, tired & irritated, thus I need tea.

I really expected to hate this tea. I don’t hate it, but I also don’t love it. considering this has lavender I really enjoy it way more than I expected. I get mostly lavender with a touch of creamy coconut. this would be a really nice bedtime tea.

I’ll finish what i have, but probably wouldn’t buy it. as a side note, my daughter really seemed to enjoy it.

Boiling 7 min, 45 sec

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Heavily tattooed mom of two. Lover of tea. Body piercer.

Addicted to tea & my addiction has been fueled even more so by Steepster!


Sudbury Ontario

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