297 Tasting Notes
Dry notes- smells just like a Pina Colada
I had to have this iced. It tastes just like a Pina Colada, aside from the not creamy-ness. I think this would be great with a splash of Malibu Rum… YUM!
I really enjoyed how well the pineapple & coconut played together. My only concern, slightly too sweet. I enjoy my teas without any sweetness (unless they’re black iced teas). So next time I will avoid adding the sugar hearts that come in it.
The dry notes are strictly Cotton Candy, with a hint of a strange smell I can’t place. Once steeped & hot it smells like a black tea with a hint of cotton candy. I added a bit of honey, because it is black & I felt it would be too bitter without. Once iced it tasted like cotton candy with a slight black tea taste. As it eventually reached room temperature again it became a little too bitter to enjoy.
Overall I really enjoyed this tea iced, but don’t think I would like it hot. To me certain teas should just be enjoyed either iced or hot. Some work both ways.
This smells just like the natural calming supplements I take. Mango & peach!
I found this lost some of it’s flavour once steeped, even though I always add extra leaves. It still had a nice taste, slightly fruity & herbal.
And it definetly had the calming effect I was after. Glad this is one Teavana is keeping.
The name of this tea was the main reason I bought it. And being banana flavoured sure helped that out.
I’ve had this tea in my cupboard for weeks now & only finally got around to tasting it.
The dry notes are amazing. Just like banana… or candy banana. Once steeped it develops another smell (I’m guessing honeybush), one I’m not crazy about & I feared the tea would taste like it smelt. Fortunetly once iced it did taste a bit like honeybush, but mostly banana.
This tea followed nicely with my brownies I was eating. YUM!
My burps even taste like banana.
I think as a hot tea this would be delicious with a touch of milk or cream for creamy-ness. And either some chocolate melted in or alongside a chunk of dark chocolate.
When I saw this in my huge pile of samples I bought when Caraway tea had their sale I thought “why on earth would you order something that had a flower name in the title and as the main ingredients? DUH!” I am not a fan of flower flavoured/scented anything.
The dry notes are very berry smelling so I figured I’d give it a go after putting it back 3 or 4 times. once steeped it lost some of the berry scent & had a little more of a floral scent. I cringed a lil bit.
Thankfull the floral flavour in the tea is very weak, I mainly taste berries & a nice light green tea taste.
Since our summer has been a hot one nearly every day 30+ celcius for weeks on end, I am drinking this iced (maybe tonight I can enjoy a hot spiced tea since it’s raining) and it is a yummy one iced.
So far I am really impressed with Caraway Tea!
They only had 12g left of this in the store (which I made my mom travel out of our way an extra 2 hours). I steeped this this morning & was suprised by the super light colour of it.
It was a little weak flavour wise, however I could definetly taste the mango/pineapple flavour. And although near the end of my mug it wasn’t very cold, as it went down my throat it felt like I was drinking it ice cold.
Oh my! I am learning to love flavoured green tea. And this one is delicious! Perfectly lime & cream to get that lime gelato taste. Lacking in the green tea flavour, but that is perfect for me. I am so pleased with this tea. It was a last minute decision to buy & I’m glad I did.
I had to buy this, it came in a cutesy (root) beer bottle. How could anyone pass it up. Not to mention it smells exactly like root beer, in both the dry notes & as it steeps.
I had originally made some this morning for my daughter (who is avid about trying teas, although rarely likes them), sipping this slightly cooled it was quite bitter & I knew she wouldn’t like it. I advised her to wait until it got colder (over ice), even then she didn’t like it. She found it to only have a slight root beer taste, which I agree on, I also got a hint of vanilla. It was good but could have been more root beer tasting (I always add extra leaves when steeping). I’m hoping on the next go with slightly more leaves I can get more flavour from it.
I had this to go yesterday, as an iced. The guy working looked at my kind of strangely & asked if I wanted any agave nectar in it; so I did.
This had a nice light fruit taste (not sure exactly what kind) & a hint of peppermint that played off the fruit nicely. It was delicious iced, but I think would be even better hot.
Ahh, I thought it was a good amount of sweetness for me, but I like my teas sweetened (and am simply learning to live without sweetness for anything that doesn’t brew up sweet by itself!)
I love sweets, but don’t like my teas sweet (unless they’re a desert tea). I will still drink this one though, I’ll just ditch the hearts.