Slowly but steadily, I am making my way through the teas I got through tea swaps. This is another Auggy tea, and it fit in rather snugly into my day. Fit my mood very well, and helped me work through some school stuff.
This tea is light in flavor, but that keeps it refreshing instead of cloying. I could see it being that kind of sickly sweet – like canned lemonade concentrate. But it’s on the other end of the spectrum – not at all syrupy. More like…essence of limeade. Eau de lime. I can definitely see what people are saying when they compare the overall taste to Fruity Pebbles, but don’t worry, it’s not like drinking everyone’s favorite Flintstone breakfast cereal. [I’d say Yabba Dabba Yum here, but I can’t make myself say it seriously, so I’ll just mock it by groaning at myself and leaving it in the brackets. GROAN.]
This tea has a fresh scent to it that carries through the taste. It reminds me of that citron green [I think that’s what it’s called] but it doesn’t do a suction vacuum number on my mouth. It also has a lighter hand on the flavoring.
I’d love to say that I could taste the oolong in it, but it eluded me. I’m beginning to think that the flavor of flavored oolongs is just going to always outweigh the oolong taste for me. Or maybe they just blend together too closely and I just can’t separate the flavors. Either way, I enjoy what this tea has going on when considering the whole package, so there’s a good chance I’ll be ordering it when I get around to ordering from Rishi.
It isn’t going to be a comfort tea for me. It’s one of those head-clearing, woo-sah, take a deep breath and begin anew teas. It reminds me of one of the lines in one of my favorite movies, Waitress: “Start fresh.” [Which has probably been said in other movies before it, but Waitress is such a good movie.] Considering all of the tea I drink, I don’t have a ton that slip into that category. And so, for me, this works.