I’ve been surfing on a crest of mucus for the past couple of days. [I know. Lovely.] A sore throat and that dull full body ache have also invaded, so when I read a tasting note the other day from @Britt Wight mentioned that honeybush is an expectorant so it’s been ALL ROOIBOS ALL THE TIME here. With the exception of the masala chai I had the other day, all the tea I’ve been drinking has either been this or Samovar’s Ocean of Wisdom.
Great for the mucus.
Not great for my energy levels.
If you ever want to make someone tired, deprive them of caffeine and make them try to read physics. Instanap!
The tea is good. Still makes me feel like a giant blueberry, but I find the taste pleasant. [Then again, I also like rooibos.] It’s sweet but with a tartness. It could be that my tongue is playing tricks on me because of this cold, but it’s a tartness that doesn’t remind me of hibiscus. [While I don’t mind hibiscus, I am beginning to tire of it being used in everything under the sun.]
A few hours on the deck, with a steaming cup of this, and the BLESSED, BLESSED SUN had me feeling better than I have in days. Now I just need to get some caffeine in me. Shouldn’t be a problem. The physics, on the other hand…
Hey. Hey! HEY!- paragraph 1 is more information than I needed about the state of your sinus cavities. Not that I’m not sympathetic, but I’m already getting the jitters about cold and flu season. And every place around here is out of flu vaccine, so now I’m really nervous.
But I’m truly glad you feel better. Physics, on the other hand, is an example of the old saw that “what can’t be cured must be endured.”
Err honeybush (Cyclopia spp.) isn’t rooibos (Aspalathus linearis). They aren’t even related to each other.
@Cynthia Carter Hahaha, sorry, my bad. I have a tendency to overshare.
@Jillian D’oh. I knew that. I blame the sickness. I just associate the two because of the red bush thing. The connection is somewhere in my head, but came out wrong.
Anyhow, rooibos is supposed to have expectorant properties as well. Whether it was the tea or me just getting better, I don’t know, but I’ll take it.
Hey. Hey! HEY!- paragraph 1 is more information than I needed about the state of your sinus cavities. Not that I’m not sympathetic, but I’m already getting the jitters about cold and flu season. And every place around here is out of flu vaccine, so now I’m really nervous.
But I’m truly glad you feel better. Physics, on the other hand, is an example of the old saw that “what can’t be cured must be endured.”
Err honeybush (Cyclopia spp.) isn’t rooibos (Aspalathus linearis). They aren’t even related to each other.
@Cynthia Carter Hahaha, sorry, my bad. I have a tendency to overshare.
@Jillian D’oh. I knew that. I blame the sickness. I just associate the two because of the red bush thing. The connection is somewhere in my head, but came out wrong.
Anyhow, rooibos is supposed to have expectorant properties as well. Whether it was the tea or me just getting better, I don’t know, but I’ll take it.