Well, LENA F. just called me out on my Samovar love, but their online store is back up and in trying to figure out what I want to order/re-order, I’ve been drinking their stuff all day.
When I was first introduced to honeysuckle as a kid, it was a joyous discovery. I was astounded that you could get this lovely sweetness from chewing on the end of a blossom. Of course, as any of you who have done this know, you don’t get much. The taste is wonderful, but it’s fleeting, as was my initial experience with honeysuckle, because my friend’s mom told us that they sprayed pesticides where we were and so we couldn’t have any more.
Ever since then, part of me has wished that you could get honeysuckle nectar in an 8 oz bottle. So far as I’m aware, you’re not able to, but this tea is pretty damn close.
When I started drinking this, I don’t think that I was steeping it for long enough because I wasn’t getting nearly as much flavor out of it as I have recently. It has the delicate, almost tangy sweetness of honeysuckle in it, with hints of acidic pineapple and honey. In the aftertaste, I sometimes get the flavor of apricot jam.
The aroma of the leaves is sweet as well, but the kind of sweetness you get from chlorophyll and not necessarily fruit. The scent of the tea has a roasted tone to it but is still somewhat sweet.
This silver needle is, overall, very light and refreshing. It’s a tea that, once I start drinking it, I want to keep on drinking [and sometimes do]. I might even go so far as to say it’s my favorite white tea.
Actually, no. I will definitely say it. This is my favorite white tea.
I’ll be buying some of this on your recommendation.
Have you checked out Samovar’s (irregularly updated) podcast? My favorite episodes feature America’s tea super star James Norwood Pratt.
Wow, I have yet to try anything Samovar (blasphemy, I know), but I just clicked add to shopping list, thanks Takgoti :)!
@Stephen Excellent. They’re one of the best. And no, I haven’t! I watch their videos from time to time, but between the stuff on my DVR, the queue of podcasts I already watch, and the fact that I’m behind on ALL of it I haven’t had time. Once the semester’s over it’ll be at the top of my list, though.
@TeaCast Bwahaha! Welcome to the dark side. You won’t regret it.
looks at the Samovar website Wow, I didn’t think I’d be able to find a place that charged more for shipping than Rishi. Get this: $49 to ship to Canada. No lie. 0_0
Hearing about your shipping woes may be the only deterrent I have for moving to Canada. Nice people? Check. Gorgeous environment? Check. Exorbitant shipping fees from my go-to tea companies? DAMN IT. San Francisco it is, I suppose.
Thanks for the shout out, sista!
I’m slowing gathering items for a big Samovar order. I’m sure I can expect some more eye rolling from my husband. I’ll just say that it was his birthday/Christmas present to me since he is a sucky gift giver. Yea, win-win situation!
I’ll be buying some of this on your recommendation.
Have you checked out Samovar’s (irregularly updated) podcast? My favorite episodes feature America’s tea super star James Norwood Pratt.
Wow, I have yet to try anything Samovar (blasphemy, I know), but I just clicked add to shopping list, thanks Takgoti :)!
@Stephen Excellent. They’re one of the best. And no, I haven’t! I watch their videos from time to time, but between the stuff on my DVR, the queue of podcasts I already watch, and the fact that I’m behind on ALL of it I haven’t had time. Once the semester’s over it’ll be at the top of my list, though.
@TeaCast Bwahaha! Welcome to the dark side. You won’t regret it.
looks at the Samovar website Wow, I didn’t think I’d be able to find a place that charged more for shipping than Rishi. Get this: $49 to ship to Canada. No lie. 0_0
Hearing about your shipping woes may be the only deterrent I have for moving to Canada. Nice people? Check. Gorgeous environment? Check. Exorbitant shipping fees from my go-to tea companies? DAMN IT. San Francisco it is, I suppose.
Thanks for the shout out, sista!
I’m slowing gathering items for a big Samovar order. I’m sure I can expect some more eye rolling from my husband. I’ll just say that it was his birthday/Christmas present to me since he is a sucky gift giver. Yea, win-win situation!
Ain’t no thang! And thumbs up on your Samovar order. Win-win situation indeed!