On a completely unrelated note, don’t think that I haven’t noticed you Steepster guys being all sneaky-like and making little changes to the site. The tasting notes, the cute little cup graphic, among others. I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.

And now, a question.

What’s better than watching Castle on the couch with a down blanket?

You probably know the answer, but: watching Castle on the couch with a down blanket and a REALLY GOOD CUP OF TEA.

I’m sipping on my second cup of the roasted [as opposed to steamed] version of this tea and I can already tell that this is going to be a solid green tea standby for me.

The roasted part of this tea’s name probably has more to do with the processing than the taste, but I am getting a really nutty flavor in this tea. [I almost typed “I am tasting nuts” and then I stopped myself. …And then I wrote it anyway because I think it’s funny.] Though, actually, when I read the description is does say “nutty and roasted,” so that’s one check mark in the not-crazy-box for today.

To break it down a little further, the tea has some sweet notes to it, so it reads more like an almond or a filbert or something. I like it. On the first cup, it is this roasted nut flavor that dominates, with a hint of vegetal-ity. In fact, when I smelled it before diving in, I looked at it and was like, “…Genmai cha?” But the toasted component in this leans more towards your elephant treats than your breakfast cereals. There’s also a little bit of saltiness, which seems to come and go.

In the second cup, the sweetness becomes more pronounced with the other players singing backup. It reminds me of sweet white corn, or…goji berries without the tang. It’s an interesting tea. I’m looking forward to getting to know it better.


They also fixed the Shopping List too, which makes me a happy camper.

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They also fixed the Shopping List too, which makes me a happy camper.

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Former coffeeist, turned teaite. Lover of writing, reading, photography, and music. Traveler of life. Known to be ridiculous on occasion.


Virginia, USA



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