735 Tasting Notes
Unlike what seems like most of you, I didn’t grow up drinking Constant Comment. In fact, I had managed to live 24 years without trying it somehow, despite my love for tea. Anyway, I made myself a cup before work today.
The tea snob in me wants to hate it just because it’s in a bag, old-fashioned, and common. But in all honesty, I like it. None of the spices are too overwhelming, and the orange zest tastes real, unlike that awful stuff Tazo makes. Also, you can still taste the black tea despite the other flavors, and that’s tasty too. Drinking it this time of year feels festive. It’s a good autumn tea.
I’ll admit right now I have a weakness for this stuff. Where I work, we make a drink called a Lightning Bug that is based on this tea vodka, and it’s amazing. Anyway, I haven’t tried any of the other flavors, but I aim to soon. The raspberry and peach intrigue me the most.
This tastes just like sweet tea with lemon, but with the burn of vodka. I did a shot and I think it’s too sweet for that. Right now I have it in a lowball glass, mixed with Minute Maid Citrus Punch. It’s delicious. <3
I forgot I had this! I’ve been delving deep into my tea stash, trying to burn through it so I can justify buying more sometime soon. I plan to be giving a lot of my money to Arbor Teas and Adagio, especially.
This tea was originally created on my account by Jeff Van Wie, before he had an account with Adagio of his own. Anyway, it’s a green/white/fruit blend, and the liquor brews up to a pleasant yellowy green. The leaves smell so sweet in the tin, almost minty, but mostly fruity from the dried blueberries.
The taste is light and clean, much like a white tea but with a hint of green tea flavor behind it. It’s mild and refreshing, and would be good right before bed, or when you’re in need of a gentle tea first thing in the morning. I’m not entirely sure what “spiced” indicates in the Spiced Green, but I can definitely taste it. I just can’t put my finger on what it is. There is also a hint of mint in the flavor as well. The blueberry taste could be stronger, but it’s good in the aftertaste either way. In short, I really enjoy this tea.
And that’s the end of that. My last pot, served with sugar and a splash of French vanilla cream. Topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Does anyone know if Adagio’s tea tins are dishwasher safe?
Made another pot of this tonight. I’m going to miss this sample when it’s gone!
We’re having our first truly cold night of fall here in Atlanta. I volunteered to make a pot of tea for my friend and brother, and my friend suggested I make something that would be good for a sore throat. This tea immediately came to mind. I served it with a little sugar and a good dollop of honey. It’s wonderful and soothing.
I know, I put honey in everything!
Alright, Organic Special Grade, take two.
This time I’ve steeped it for seven minutes. Last time it was just a tad too mellow for my tastes, so this time I decided to experiment. (Especially since a friend told me I could just let it go for as long as I wanted.) It brewed up incredibly dark as usual, and everything the leaves touch turns dark amber.
I also added sugar and honey, a tablespoon of each. And this is so good. The extra two minutes have made a great difference. It is still not bitter in any way, but the flavor has strengthened. It’s so incredibly smooth and sort of buttery. It does dry the mouth out a little, though. And it does definitely taste roasted and earthy. I might have to add this to my shopping list…
Upped the rating. And I will see what happens at nine minutes eventually. :D
My second pu-erh from Arbor Teas! This one didn’t brew up as dark and coffeelike as the Ancient Palace, but the taste is very similar.
The tea leaves smell stronger, however. I steeped mine at a little over 5 minutes, but next time I think I’ll try for longer. This infusion is delicious, don’t get me wrong, but I am in the mood for something very, very flavorful. It has that “aged” flavor that I described earlier with my first pu-erh, and it tastes just as smooth. It has a very soothing quality to it, and the flavor makes me feel sort of nostalgic for some reason, though I am still unfamiliar with these teas.
All in all, this is definitely worth trying and experimenting with. Which I will. And I’m sure these experiments will involve honey. Mmm. Off to work!
First of all, on the back of the packet, it says to only steep this for 1-2 minutes. Only 2 minutes for a black tea? I’m lost.
Anyway, I mostly grabbed this because I was in a hurry this morning and didn’t have time to prepare a loose-leaf tea. (But after a long night of drinking, I was craving tea as soon as I woke up.) Upon first sip, I was glad that I let it steep the normal amount of time.
It did get pretty strong, but the flavor is nice. It’s a keemun, I think, and just tastes like your standard breakfast tea. It’s good, but not really noteworthy. I wouldn’t turn it down, but if there was something else, I’d probably leave this one behind.
So glad to hear you liked the Constant Comment tea! We have new believers every day in addition to those who consider it a tradition.
Thanks for the review!
Valorie for Bigelow Tea