Unlike what seems like most of you, I didn’t grow up drinking Constant Comment. In fact, I had managed to live 24 years without trying it somehow, despite my love for tea. Anyway, I made myself a cup before work today.
The tea snob in me wants to hate it just because it’s in a bag, old-fashioned, and common. But in all honesty, I like it. None of the spices are too overwhelming, and the orange zest tastes real, unlike that awful stuff Tazo makes. Also, you can still taste the black tea despite the other flavors, and that’s tasty too. Drinking it this time of year feels festive. It’s a good autumn tea.
So glad to hear you liked the Constant Comment tea! We have new believers every day in addition to those who consider it a tradition.
Thanks for the review!
Valorie for Bigelow Tea