I forgot I had this! I’ve been delving deep into my tea stash, trying to burn through it so I can justify buying more sometime soon. I plan to be giving a lot of my money to Arbor Teas and Adagio, especially.
This tea was originally created on my account by Jeff Van Wie, before he had an account with Adagio of his own. Anyway, it’s a green/white/fruit blend, and the liquor brews up to a pleasant yellowy green. The leaves smell so sweet in the tin, almost minty, but mostly fruity from the dried blueberries.
The taste is light and clean, much like a white tea but with a hint of green tea flavor behind it. It’s mild and refreshing, and would be good right before bed, or when you’re in need of a gentle tea first thing in the morning. I’m not entirely sure what “spiced” indicates in the Spiced Green, but I can definitely taste it. I just can’t put my finger on what it is. There is also a hint of mint in the flavor as well. The blueberry taste could be stronger, but it’s good in the aftertaste either way. In short, I really enjoy this tea.