735 Tasting Notes


Giving this a try iced, since even through we’re halfway through October, it’s still pretty warm here in Atlanta.

It makes a pretty refreshing iced tea, I have to say. The caramelly flavor I described previously really comes out when it’s chilled. Same with the creamy pumpkin. Also, I can somehow taste the tea base better this way, too. Not sure why. I think next time I make this iced, it’s going to get a splash of milk, too. Should be a nice treat!

Iced 5 min, 0 sec

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Thank you very much for this tasting opportunity, Nuvola Teas! They sent me a small sampler, and I am very excited to try all these high grade teas.

The leaves of this tea are lovely. Glossy and dark green, rolled into little nuggets with their stems on the outside. They smell delicious and springlike, with a hint of sweet creaminess. I’m still getting into oolong, and this seemed very promising.

I was gentle with it, brewing it just under 185 degrees for a minute and a half. The resulting liquor was a pretty pale green that smelled faintly nutty. I allowed it to cool for a minute or two before tasting. It’s an absolutely pristine flavor… somehow rich and mildly vegetal. The creaminess I smelled translates well into the taste. So smooth. There’s also a gentle floral taste in the background that I mostly taste when I breathe out. I think I like that part the best.

In all, this is a very complex and tasty oolong. I made a cup for myself and my brother, and almost wish I had kept it all for myself!

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 30 sec

Did your brother enjoy it?


Yes, he did. And one of my friends tried it from my mug. He said the taste reminded him of standing in the florist aisle at the grocery store.


What a unique, interesting description!

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Why did I wait so long to taste this tea?! Maybe I was waiting for fall? Anyway, I got in a trade with QueenOfTarts almost a year ago.

This is great stuff! Much, much better than the Pumpkin Spice Adagio sells. The most prevalent spice in it seems to be cinnamon, as the ginger is more subtle. The pumpkin flavor is surprisingly realistic! Like pumpkin pie filling, especially with the touch of nutmeg. It really makes me think of Thanksgiving. Also, there’s a taste of caramel, to me at least, though it could be my imagination. I can’t really taste the actual tea in it, as it’s buried beneath layers of delicious spices. I’m going to have this as my breakfast tea until I run out.

Best pumpkin tea I’ve tried so far!

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

I am also looking for pumpkin spice teas that are winners. Just added this to the shopping list.


This one might be kind of hard to find. Apparently it’s only sold seasonally at World Market. :/

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drank Ginger Peach by The Republic of Tea
735 tasting notes

I’m still sick with this stupid cold! I am well over two weeks into this thing now. I have Nuvola teas to review, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to taste them well enough, so they’ll have to wait. Ugh.

I snagged this from work because I thought the ginger in it would help. While I can taste it, I don’t think there’s enough in it to really do anything medicinally. Also, I don’t remember it being this boring. Something about it tastes sort of artificial to me now. Like Peach Nehi. Lowering my rating a bit.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I kind of had the same reaction to this tea after a few cups. The ginger definitely is pretty light. I hope you feel better soon!


My feeling about The Republic of tea is that all of their teas are really too weak to give sufficient flavor. They send them to me for review and then I have a hard time giving them one because I do not do bad reviews. The Eat, Pray, Love tea was okay. Not to my taste, but good for someone who is not heavily into tea. Their Pink Ribbon line in the pink tins tastes good, actually, but it is hard to taste the tea itself.


get better soon :)

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drank Tuocha Yunnan Tea by Tuocha
735 tasting notes

This one is the last of the teas from First Oriental Market that I snagged and hadn’t reviewed yet.

Both the dry bag and the tea as it steeps smell very much like a puerh. I guess I should have expected that when I read “tuocha” on the package. I was more excited by the word “yunnan”. But there’s no fishiness in the scent, at least, while I let it cool to a drinkable temperature.

The taste is pleasant and complex. It’s definitely a puerh. Sure, something about its flavor reminds me of the beach, maybe a bit of seaweed, but it also has that flavor of yunnan that I love so much. Like fruity bread and hay hiding in the background. But at the same time, it has that coppery puerh-ness that I’m not sure if I’m used to. I’m so torn!

Also, I might have oversteeped just a little bit. If you try this, don’t go with my preparation time!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Rickshaw Black Tea by Lipton
735 tasting notes

My senses of smell and taste are starting to come back, so I decided to try something new. I picked this up at my local Asian market a few weeks ago, as I had my eye on it before.

It’s a standard black tea with a distinct puerh flavor. It falls on the bold side, and brews up dark. The flavor is hearty and smooth with just the barest hint of bitterness. It definitely tastes aged to me, with that woody, musky taste, much like a puerh. Something about it reminds me of creeks I used to see in fall, when they would get dammed up by autumn leaves. Honestly, I’m surprised at how much I like it. Especially since Lipton makes it, of all companies. Of the black bagged teas I’ve tried from the First Oriental Market, I like this one the most.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

Glad you’re starting to feel better!


Thank you! :D


I’ve tried the Rickshaw Iron Buddha oolong variety and it isn’t bad.


They had that tea as well, but I shied away.

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drank Fujian Black Tea by Fujian Tea
735 tasting notes

Since I can’t really taste anything, I decided to at least make something warm and comforting. So, I put the tea bag into my mug, along with a little sweetener and a cinnamon stick. Strangely, I’ve never made tea with a cinnamon stick before. I poured boiling water over it all and let it steep. The result is very pleasant. I’m too sick to taste the black tea, but the cinnamon comes through and it’s nice. Reminds me of winter. I finally have a use for this bag of cinnamon sticks!!

350th tasting note!!

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

Congrats on the 350th! Hope you get better soon!


great idea with the cinnamon stick, I like that!


Happy 350!




Yes, congrats on 350 tasting notes! I don’t know if you’re particularly fond of ginger, but, if you want to taste … I recommend ginger. I actually love this product when I’m sick: http://popus.com/ginger-green-tea-instant-ginger-honey-crystals/ (The ginger honey crystals) … I found it at Whole Foods a couple of years ago, and I like to keep it on hand for when I am feeling sick, I just add it to my basic black tea and then I can taste the warming ginger. It makes me feel much better … it’s a temporary feel good feeling, but, when I’m sick I’ll take even just a few moments of feeling good.


Oh… and I hope you feel better soon!


I was just thinking about that, LiberTEAS! I meant to pick up a bit of ginger root from the grocery store. I would grate it and brew it with the tea. Now I might have to go out again, lol.


CupofTree, it’s awesome, and re-usable. I’ve just left it in the mug today and it’s been just as strong with each cup.



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I didn’t mean to talk about this tea three times in a row, but at least I have an image up for it now.

You see, I started making a different tea before this. I had it steeping and went to make myself some soup. (I’m still quite sick.) When my soup was done, I turned to see half of my tea on the counter and spilling into the floor. Turns out one of my favorite mugs had sprung a leak. Rest in peace, Cruxshadows mug, as I lay thee down to sleep in the garbage can.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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Just wanting to note that this is my 4th cup in a row and that it really has made my throat feel better. Also, I accidentally let my current cup steep for 15 minutes and it still tastes great. Mmm.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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I got my lavender tea after all! And I’ll have a picture up for it in a few days, when I get back home to my camera. Oddly, Wystone’s official site doesn’t list this anywhere but the cafe menu.

This is EXACTLY what I wanted. But I need to disclose that while I put two ounces of Lavender Grey in the package, I also added about half an ounce of straight lavender flowers. (The tea shop has a whole section of just dried fruit, herbs, flowers, etc. to add. Amazing!) So if any of you Steepsterites were to purchase this tea, it wouldn’t be as strongly lavender flavored as what I’m drinking right now.

But like I said, this is perfect. Strong but soothing lavender paired with clean, bright bergamot. All on a satisfying, malty black tea base. I am going to go through this so fast, I can tell. I love it.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

That store sounds awesome!


It was. I was really impressed! It was a little more pricey than some of the online shops I’m used to, but being able to walk in, sniff things, add my own flavors… it made it worth it.


Ah, that’s the place that cooks with tea. They make pancakes with rooibos too. Look at the website! The are in the 10 best places to eat in Denver and they are a tea place!


I saw something about that while I was there. Seemed really cool! My friends and I were on our way to a sushi place, so we didn’t get any food there, but the menu looked great!

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Quiet, strange, and in love with the world of tea. Living just outside of Atlanta. Cat lover, electronic music geek, balcony gardener, and collector of fossils. On the hunt for the perfect tea in each of my favorite categories.

After 10 years on Steepster, I have given up. The lack of maintenance, updates, and mobile compatibility have finally discouraged me. I still use my Cupboard and add teas to the database, but I won’t be logging teas anymore.


Decatur, GA



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