Daily work tea. This one is another sipdown target. It’s been in my stash for about six months and I’m ready to have it gone. (As delicious as it is — I’m definitely enjoying its chocolate-vanilla-nougaty-goodness right now.) I figure if I go in my usual pattern, I’ll have it knocked out by the end of the month.
Ooh, it’s houjicha and white tea?! That sounds fantastic. I’d better write this one down for a future Harney order…
I lied, I’m ordering a sample of it now. This is what happens when they offer free shipping on all orders… XD
Sounds good, Tabby.
Ooh, it’s houjicha and white tea?! That sounds fantastic. I’d better write this one down for a future Harney order…
I lied, I’m ordering a sample of it now. This is what happens when they offer free shipping on all orders… XD
I look forward to your review of it, Cameron B.! So far I’ve been the only one on Steepster!
What, you’re implying that I actually try any of the tea that I order in a timely fashion?! XD
Haha, do any of us??