This tea smells wonderful! It is fragrant with floral jasmine and seems almost bursting with ripe fruit flavor. I love it, especially since it’s a black tea. I hope the fragrance transfers over to the taste.
This tea is incredible. It has to be my favorite of the Verdant blends. Unfortunately, this is one that is not for sale on the Verdant website. I can’t even seem to find the black tea, Yunnan Dian Hong, unless it goes by another name. Does anyone know? I would love to get some. This is a little bit tannic, a touch bitter or burnt, but with honey it is miraculous and with cream it’s even better.
This is the last of my Verdant blends club teas and I think after trying them I’ve realized that I would probably enjoy the classics tea club better than the blends. There have been several that I’ve thought I would love to purchase without the added scents/flavorings.
Second Steep
8 ounces water + 212 degrees + 1 minute, 30 seconds
This second cup is just as dark as the first. I can still detect the jasmine but now there is also a roasted flavor/aroma underneath. It tastes maybe just a little weak but it’s still good. I’ll just up the steep time next time around.
Flavors: Bitter, Burnt, Floral, Fruity, Jasmine, Roasted, Tannic
Just wondering if you’d be willing to swap what you have left of this tea?
This is actually one of my favorites so I would really like to hold on to some of it. I would be glad to send you a bit to try though if you’d like. Just let me know!