Well… that didn’t turn out well. I’ve already tried to steep this two different times. One was a larger steep for family members. That failed. The next was just a single serving for my sister-in-law. I couldn’t tell whether she enjoyed it or not….
As a dessert, this sounds amazing. I love blueberry and I love lavender. The dry aroma is very pleasant. Mainly lavender with hints of blueberry. The steeping tea does not smell good. Kind of like I just threw a plain bath bomb into the water. I love that there are real blueberries in the blend and not just flavoring.
The flavoring leans mostly toward lavender and then the hibiscus hits and that’s all you can think of. Taste something else and go back to it again so you can forget the hibiscus.
Daughter (8) double thumbs up. Didn’t taste vanilla or elderberries but thought I tasted mochi… no I mean boba. Yeah I can see the boba.