Amaranth, oh, Amaranth, wherefore art thou Amaranth? Only in this tea I see. Though does it belong? Just barely, me thinks. It is tangy, yet has an interesting nutty note. This is the first I’ve seen the use of Amaranth in a tea. It is… unique. As is this tea as a whole. Drinkable but not really to my liking.
It’s such a unique ingredient. Because of the nuttiness, it makes me wonder how it would pair with hojicha.
There was a AQ2T blend that I recall having amaranth, but I don’t remember which one.
It’s such a unique ingredient. Because of the nuttiness, it makes me wonder how it would pair with hojicha.
I haven’t had it on it’s own, so I’m unfamiliar with the flavor it brings. Curious now!