2145 Tasting Notes
I’ve had the opportunity to sample a lot of chai over the past few years, but this was one of the most disappointing I’ve come across in recent memory. Traditionally chai is prepared with milk and sugar, but I found that this chai didn’t hold up well to traditional preparation methods. Instead of being greated by the bright, bold flavors from the various spices this blend was incredibly flat and bland. Even after increasing the amount of loose leaf I used during my preparation (from 1 teaspoon to 1 Tablespoon) I had difficulty tasing the spices. There was an add aftertaste present, perhaps from the chocolate, that seemed to stick with me and get strong the more I drank. In the end I dumped out several cups of this tea, some prepared with milk and others without. I’ve decided to fix something else to get me going this morning.
You can read the rest of the review on my blog:
Earl Grey de la Créme from Steeped tea is very heavy on the vanilla, giving it a pleasantly sweet flavor (perfect for those of you like me who have a sweet tooth!) There is only a hint of citrusy bergamot that shines through. If I had one complaint about this blend it would be that it really needs a stronger base to balance everything out and tone down the sweetness. Without more of a contrast from the bergamot and base I think this blend is actually too sweet.
You can read the rest of the review on my blog: