16950 Tasting Notes
Sipdown (191/193)!
Cold Brew: Total time 13 hours.
I’m so glad that this is how I chose to finish off this one, because it’s AMAZING! Basically, it’s like drinking super, super refreshing and yummy coconut water. Just very fresh and delicious and creamy. It totally screams “Spring Time Tea”. Which is exactly what I was wanting and needing!
Flavors: Coconut, Cream
So, this is the last of the backlog and what I decided to make for myself when I got home yesterday from a long day out of the house. I wanted to make a lot more, but it was really late and I was tired.
I was a little disappointed because this tasted rather weak (I think I underleafed because of the sleep deprivation), but the pretty pink colour kept me really amused. My barely awake and all there brain was quite easily entertained by bright pink apple tea, and peekaboo giraffes (I used my giraffe mug). I kept thinking to myself "If I owned a giraffe I’d name it Eleanor because ‘Eleanor Rigby’ ".
Also, it appear’s DT’s March tea is something called “Hibiscus Punch”. Not gonna lie, that’s a little disappointing if it is the March blend. DT doesn’t need more hibiscus heavy blends; and one with ginger? No thanks.
Travel tea from yesterday made in my timolino, because I figured I’d split some of it with Robyn when I got to her dorm because she’s interested in trying lots of the fandom blends I have. This may have been a poor one to choose though; it doesn’t travel super well.
This time around it tasted really muddled with some caramel notes and a touch of bitterness in the aftertaste. Not really sure how she felt about it, though. Hopefully she thought it was decent enough.
I just got the news that my mom was admitted into the psych ward this morning after she made several claims of suicide and insisted my Dad take my brother into custody. When no one could reach her by phone a few hours later, the police were sent to check and found her after basically having a break down. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with this information since I’m in a totally different city…
Hang in there. Call your dad and find out what he needs/thinks. If he needs help with your brother or just handling things maybe you should go down. Find out if your mom can have visitors, or if her medical team thinks she should or should not have visitors at this time. Sometimes helping from afar is just as good as helping up close in these situations.
I am so sorry Roswell Strange. That has got to be very tough. At least your mom is somewhere where she will be taken care of for the time being.
I’m so sorry for what your family is going through. This has to be tough. Ask your dad if he needs help and make sure your mom knows you love her. I don’t know how old your brother is but reach out to him.. he is in the middle of something really scary for a child. Above all, stay strong and supportive, hang in there.
Sipdown (192/194)!
I took this with in my timolino yesterday, for travelling around with and I’m really sad it was a sipdown, because this was a delightfully sweet black tea.
There was a moment when I first tried it where I got the most brief, fleeting note of cough syrup but that sip must have been a fluke or the result of making this in a timolino or something to that nature because the rest of it was just sweet, and candy like with just a bit of florals and was delightfully lovely.
I may have to ask VariaTEA for more of this in future swaps.
Cold brewed for twelve hours, which I’ thinking was too much because instead of the nice and fruity cold brew I enjoyed a little while back, this was very mate heavy (which wasn’t bad; just not what I was wanting in the moment), so it took me all day to finish this one off once I’d transferred it to my water bottle to take with me for the day.
Mental note to myself: For fruity cold brews with this one keep the time shorter!
Last of Tuesday’s backlog! Hooray! And, there’s not much for backlog from yesterday; I spent the entire day out at interviews/with Robyn, so I really only enjoyed some travel teas.
But anyway, this tea did a spectacular job of satisfying my intense dessert cravings; plus it was another yummy cream cheesey type of tea for the day which was lovely.
My favourite Red Velvet Tea <3
Sipdown (193/195)!
I mixed this with Simpson & Veil’s Strawberry Cupcake to finish them both off, which you can read more of here:
Thanks Courtney for both of those teas!
Sipdown (194/196)!
So, I mixed the last little bit of this (about half a cup worth) with the last little bit of Herbal Infusion’s Strawberry Cream Cacao (also about half a cup worth) with the hope that the two would pair well because they’re really similar and that they’d piggyback on each other’s flavours – both individually are a little weak – and create and nice, strong cup.
How excited was I when that turned out to be the case? Well, the answer is pretty fucking excited. Combined, the two made for a tea with a thicker mouthfeel and almost a “spongey” chocolate cake flavour accompanied by a very rich, flavourful, and aromatic strawberry that was indulgent and delectable.
That’s what I call tea blending success! Some really lovely sipdowns indeed.
Sipdown (195/197)!
Thanks VariaTEA for the sample; it was pleasant enough and easy to finish off which are both winning traits for me!
This cup in particular, was more coconut and much sweeter than my first mug, which was more heavily spiced. So it goes without much saying, that I enjoyed this second cup a lot more. I wouldn’t get it again though – there was too much inconsistency between the two cups to prove to me this could be a reliable sweet chai and not just a cup of spices.
I will bump up my rating ever so slightly, though.
This is one of the more popular matchas from Red Leaf, and definitely one I was really curious about, so I was very thankful for the generous sample I received from Courtney.
I made some of this mixed up with cold milk while Tre made faces at me (it did look pretty icky, I’ll give him that much), and was surprised at how rich and creamy it made the milk. There was also a bit of a cheesey kind of “tang” – so while the cheesecake comparison wasn’t super strong or immediate, it was subtle present. I did really, really enjoy the cup of it.
I wonder what the flavouring level was on this one? Courtney, if you see this help a tea triplet out and share some info? ;)
Yes! This one is fantastic, especially cold brewed.