Personal Story Time…
So as some of you know, I don’t have a great relationship with the vast majority of my family. Until moving out around a year ago, I would have said my relationship with my mom was better than the one I have with my Dad, even though both are fairly strained, however now that I’m living on my own I think I actually get along with my Dad significantly more than my Mom – though again, everything is pretty strained. I definitely don’t go out of my way to see either of them, and I’m never the first one to make contact. I haven’t been back in Regina, where I moved from, since January and I have no intention of going back until probably Christmas.
January also happens to be the last time I saw my Mom; though I’ve talked to her via text since then. Well, earlier this week she came up to the city to go to the Bruno Mars concert with her boyfriend, his daughter, and my little sister. We had, reluctantly on my part, made plans to go out for breakfast before I started work for the day. This was a bit of a hassle for me because when we were supposed to go out was during hours I would normally be sound asleep.
And to top things off she showed up an hour early and then was clearly upset and distressed that I wasn’t ready to go out. She then spent the entire time I was getting ready snooping through stuff in my house and asking super invasive questions, all in between complaining about about her relationship problems (I do not get along with her boyfriend; I think the relationship they have is very text book abusive; not in a physical sense but they’re just very unhealthy together. She has ridiculous mood swings and is obsessive and clingy and they frequently break up and get back together – on top of other stuff). Ugh.
The whole ordeal was insanely awkward and uncomfortable, and I just sort of had to vent somewhere about it. On the plus side; she bought me a deep friend Mars Bar from the food court? I guess that’s something; although it was really undercooked so the Mars Bar was still hard and unmelted and there was raw batter. But I guess it was thoughtful? I do love fried foods…
I feel for you with the parent issues! They’re the worst :(