So, I may have mentioned it before but Saskatoon recently changed its bus routes, and given I can’t drive and I definitely can’t afford to cab everywhere, the bus is my primary mode of transportation when walking isn’t a reasonable option.
I have not made a smooth transition between the old routes and the new routes.
So, I had to bus home from Downtown (where DAVIDsTEA is located) to my house – and trying to be smart I looked up the route I’d need to take back at home before I left earlier in the day: I needed to get on the 17 to make it home! And, that’s exactly what I did. So what’s the problem? Well S’Toon has multiples of some route numbers. There are two #1s, two #5s, three #6s, and two #17s. I got on the wrong 17.
So I ended up going in the exact opposite direction of where I wanted to be going and I ended up having to wait for the route go full circle and come back around. Saskatoon is a fairly big city, and it takes a while for the bus to complete a rotation. In fact, this particular route takes an hour and a half to complete a circuit. So I had a long ass, miserable bus ride of shittyness. Thankfully I managed to get in a decently sized nap, and I had a bottle of this to sorta keep me company (in addition to the last of the Caramel Corn latte I got), plus my candy haul.
But fuck the bus.
Argh. They really should not label 2 routes with the same number. They got to figure people will get confused. I mean bus routes are confusing enough without that!
I have totally done almost exactly the same thing for the same reason. Then, sometimes the routes just end in the middle and they kick you off at a random location….why??
I once did that when I was in Ecuador. Instead of going home I ended up going on the poverty tour of Guayaquil and into the bamboo shanti town that was built originally to house people displaced after a particularly bad El Niño destroyed houses and salinated coastal fields. It was sad but interesting to see that part of the city until a security guard boarded the bus as we entered the district. I wouldn’t of minded so much but I had an expensive camera on me and had recently had a watch ripped off my wrist when I had made another bus mistake ( it wasn’t an expensive one, so I wasn’t to sad about it). Anyways, everything passed without incident and I got home after seeing the city from a different perspective.
I can’t beat yyz ’s story, but I did something similar in Vegas. In August. I was trying to get home after a test. I waited 40 minutes for a bus. Another 15 for the transfer. And then I got on the transfer bus going the wrong way. Since I didn’t know the city well, it took me a while to figure out that I was even on the wrong bus. I eventually had to take a different bus and then walk.
Unsurprisingly, I had a sunburn by the time I got home.
That’s so annoying!
Argh. They really should not label 2 routes with the same number. They got to figure people will get confused. I mean bus routes are confusing enough without that!
It’s not like they’re going to run out of numbers… Sheesh.
I have totally done almost exactly the same thing for the same reason. Then, sometimes the routes just end in the middle and they kick you off at a random location….why??
I once did that when I was in Ecuador. Instead of going home I ended up going on the poverty tour of Guayaquil and into the bamboo shanti town that was built originally to house people displaced after a particularly bad El Niño destroyed houses and salinated coastal fields. It was sad but interesting to see that part of the city until a security guard boarded the bus as we entered the district. I wouldn’t of minded so much but I had an expensive camera on me and had recently had a watch ripped off my wrist when I had made another bus mistake ( it wasn’t an expensive one, so I wasn’t to sad about it). Anyways, everything passed without incident and I got home after seeing the city from a different perspective.
yyz wins; definitely a much more interesting story!
I can’t beat yyz ’s story, but I did something similar in Vegas. In August. I was trying to get home after a test. I waited 40 minutes for a bus. Another 15 for the transfer. And then I got on the transfer bus going the wrong way. Since I didn’t know the city well, it took me a while to figure out that I was even on the wrong bus. I eventually had to take a different bus and then walk.
Unsurprisingly, I had a sunburn by the time I got home.