So at the time of leaving for work today, the mail hadn’t shown up yet so I’m crossing my fingers that more of the 12 Days of Tea packages (and maybe my Della Terra order) are waiting for me when I get home.
Anyway, I’ve been anxious to try this one for weeks now, but I just keep putting it off because I feel like I don’t have time to properly review it or I’m exhausted from work, and the list of excuses just continues. Well, last night I got kinda fed up and just thought to myself “Fuck it, you can cold brew it”. And so I did. I used 2 tbsp. of leaf for about four cups of water, cold brewed for around 10 hours. I strained everything out this morning and poured myself a water bottle full to enjoy at work.
Dry, the leaf smells amazing: a very fresh and airy kind of mango with a little bit of fresh cut cucumber smell to it. On dry smell alone, I get the impression this would be a good tea soda. There’s something more specific it reminds me of to, but I can’t place what. It’s very nice smelling, though.
Taste wise, I got citrus first – which I wasn’t totally expecting. A very mellow, gentle kind of citrus taste – like a more natural and watered down Sprite taste. Right alongside that is the mango. I’ve expressed before that I have a love/hate relationship with mango flavoured things – but I really like the taste of this! The cucumber and white tea are contributing more of a refreshing airiness to the tea than anything else; just a cool, quenching kind of vegetalness that balances out the mango/citrus and keeps it from being too fruity.
Basically, this is a fruity but still kind of vegetal tea in a totally thirst quenching and refreshing way that is delicate and gentle but with a very full and complex layering of flavours. It’s very, very good! I can’t wait to try it hot, though I’m skeptical that it’ll taste better than it does right now. I’d totally buy this again, though!