This is a sample Liquid Proust sent me. Thank you!
So, I don’t tend to be a huge fan of light oolongs, but this might be an exception. I really like the smooth, floral flavor of this one. I’ve been curious about floral oolongs for a while now since I tend to really like floral teas, and this makes me think it’s definitely a category I want to explore more.
In other news, I’ve been dealing with nasty migraines lately. In the past I’ve gotten them on very rare occasions, but something about this pregnancy is triggering them more often. Not fun.
Flavors: Floral, Green
I was creeping your log looking for tea ideas after seeing you’re pregnant. I hope your migraines have lessened by now. I also had them more than usual in the first trimester and even got my eyes tested to be sure that wasn’t a cause. Headaches and migraines mostly went away after the first though. Now I know when they’re coming and pre-emptively treat them with tylenol (mostly ineffective), heat and/or ice, and lots of water drinking. Oh, and tiger balm on my temples. Couple all that with sleep, and I can usually win. Pregnancy is not my favourite, but as I tell people, it is a means to an end. :)
I’ve always gotten the occasional migraine, and I didn’t really have them any more often with my last two pregnancies, but this one was awful for a while. I think I’m mostly over them now, thankfully. I don’t think I’ve heard of tiger balm, what is that?
It’s a rub for sore muscles/headaches/that sort of thing. I was skeptical but tried it on the advice of a coworker and it does seem to help. We actually have Tiger Balm Red which is really menthol/cinnamon smelling and is tingly on the skin. Seems to help.
I was creeping your log looking for tea ideas after seeing you’re pregnant. I hope your migraines have lessened by now. I also had them more than usual in the first trimester and even got my eyes tested to be sure that wasn’t a cause. Headaches and migraines mostly went away after the first though. Now I know when they’re coming and pre-emptively treat them with tylenol (mostly ineffective), heat and/or ice, and lots of water drinking. Oh, and tiger balm on my temples. Couple all that with sleep, and I can usually win. Pregnancy is not my favourite, but as I tell people, it is a means to an end. :)
I’ve always gotten the occasional migraine, and I didn’t really have them any more often with my last two pregnancies, but this one was awful for a while. I think I’m mostly over them now, thankfully. I don’t think I’ve heard of tiger balm, what is that?
It’s a rub for sore muscles/headaches/that sort of thing. I was skeptical but tried it on the advice of a coworker and it does seem to help. We actually have Tiger Balm Red which is really menthol/cinnamon smelling and is tingly on the skin. Seems to help.
I’ll keep that in mind. I do sometimes use an arnica salve if I have muscle tension, and that really seems to help, but it’s not advised for the face since it’s mildly poisonous if ingested. It would be good to have something to rub on my temples.