New Tasting Notes


The Goji is really strong and extremely aromatic. It has an almost citrus feel that takes some getting used to. It’s is very refreshing!

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drank Throat Comfort by Yogi Tea
124 tasting notes

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I’m not wondering why this tea isn’t available anymore. It was probably good when it was purchased in China, but this far down the road it isn’t anything to write home about.

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Was in a hurry this morning, so I decided to throw a few teabags of mate in the to go mug. Green tea never tastes good in the mug, so this is just to get me started before I get to work and can have a proper cup of tea. Mate gives me wings.

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As I venture into more and more Japanese greens, I’m really starting to enjoy the vegetal taste of senchas like this one. I bought this at the Ito En store in New York (aka Tea Nerd Heaven) because it was a relatively low-cost sencha at $3/oz. It’s light and very refreshing and brews to a gorgeous green color.

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The orange flavor is light and delicate but even that overpowers the white tea.

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This is the tea that got me into drinking tea. It is my favorite selection in the Republic of Tea brand.

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Another good oolong from the Republic of Tea. Has a clean flavor and wonderful aroma.

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Excellent, light and floral oolong.

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A good example of an Earl Grey tea.

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An acceptable tea. I find it to be one of the weakest selections in the Republic of Tea brand. Neither the vanilla nor the almond really meld with the tea flavour.

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Disappointing. The mint flavour isn’t as strong as I generally like.

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My friends call this the TEA OF SOBERING. Yes that did require caps, thank you very much. This tea goes from light and delicate to punch in the face strong in the blink of an eye when brewing. It has a delightful flavour either way and is one of my favorite Republic of Tea selections.

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drank Jasmine Pearls by The Tao of Tea
14 tasting notes

My standard cup of tea. I adore this.

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I’ve had great luck with all of Red Blossom Tea Co.’s teas.

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I’ve gone through a couple of Red Blossom Tea Company’s pu-erh. All have been lovely.

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This is the second steep on the leaves from the first cup… It’s mellowed out quite nicely.

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I am not impressed by this tea. It tastes like flavored water. I borrowed some of it from a friend and don’t know how old it is.

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