338 Tasting Notes
Paging Daylon or other what-cha oolong fans..
I’ve got a damn cold again, so my taste might be way off, but I found a blank sample pack with ‘taiwan gui fei oolong what-cha’ written on it. As it wasnt in its original, thats usually reserved for teas I take to my girlfriends, or out with me – had a look inside, rolled oolong, good for colds – I guessed it might not be that special.. as its in a blank pack.
Wow, its amazing. The first few steeps are like orange and something. A bit like yancha? I dont know, its totally muddled but tastes gorgeous.
Out of stock at what-cha and I cant find a review here, so I have no idea, but its really good.
ends up being a sweet almost dongfang meiren sweet wood tangy something oolong base. Its really nice. I dont usually like orangey oolongs, this was special though
I dont know much about this apart from the early part of the session was totally lovely. Now, I may be wrong about its taste, everything tastes either odd or amazing when I have a cold.
Often better because my stuffed nose captures a tonne of aroma.
I’m thinking nose plugs might be a thing for tea tasting. ? lol
Anyone with more info on this one, would love to chat about it! I sent Alistair a message asking if he can get more.
Flavors: Orange
Interesting. I can’t remember if I had the Vietnam or Taiwan Gui Fei. Either way, I remember it being pretty good.
Sweet pine smoked Tian Jian, its pretty fragrant in that regard (I was surprised when I had the first taste, the sweet smoke was pretty forward).
Quite smooth, easy drinking, sweet. I only had one large sample of this, been 90c with my thermos this evening while painting and listening to music on youtubes.
I have lost count the steep number buy now but its still got a pine thing going on, but lighter & thinner. There has been a slight cinnamon spice going through the session, but I didnt get that strong of a cherry note as mentioned on the website. Its been a nice companion throughout the late windy & rainy night though.
Thanks T-Curious for this lovely pack of hei cha! :)
Flavors: Pine, Sugar
I dont even know how to review this:
God: Haha this will totally mess with their heads (removes all the wild tea trees around Jingdong)
Angel Gabriel: I hope you’re going to replace th…. oh my.
Angel Raziel: Thats throat numbing spray.
God: Dont worry lads, there’s a bit of huigan in it.
Flavors: Bitter, Dark Bittersweet, Fruity, Smoke, Tobacco
Looking forward to it. I’ve mostly preferred older shengs so far and am just starting to appreciate the younger stuff.
When are you going to Singapore, and how long will you be there? I might be able to introduce you to do a pu-head friend there.
This one gave me soft grape notes. I am brewing the cheaper gylxtea shengs with 80-90c since I tried the first half of samples with boiling water when on holiday and they didn’t hold up as well as their more expensive puerh.
There is also a more savoury, thicker & bitter body than the Ba Nuo. Although this is fairly subtle with my brewing this time round, and nicer for it as well.
Steep times 5/5/7/10/13/15/20.
I liked this one as well, pretty nice. Another one of the cheaper teas, at 19c/g.
Quite nice and soft. I prefer this one treated with kids gloves & then there is a subtle peachy huigan. Its quite pleasant, and nicely lingers about.
I’ve been hitting it around 85-90c and liking this way for its subtle sweet taste and floral perfume, lack of bitterness or astringency, or strong leafy flavour.
qi is nice and relaxed, too.
Checking the price of this, its one of the cheaper shengs gylxtea have – at $59/357g – its all quite pleasant, really – the peachy huigan, while subtle, is up my street – if it were stronger I would love this – going to buy another sample and try it with more weight than the 5g sent as my gaiwan is 80ml & I prefer 7g.
Flavors: Peach