Anyone ever had an affogato? Do you eat it? or drink it? I am confused how it works.
That confusion came through today when I attempted to use this tea to make a tea affogato. I thought the briskness of the earl grey would pair amazingly with the vanilla ice cream so I decided to give it a go. This is what I did:
1. Boiled the kettle
2. Put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a DAVIDs tea Nordic mug
3. Put the mug in the freezer (and prayed it wouldn’t crack when I put the tea in)
4. Put 4 DAVIDs perfect teaspoons in the gravity steeper
5. Filled the steeper to just above the DAVIDs tea line
6. Steeped the tea
7. Poured it over the ice cream
The result: A mug that is still intact. One amazingly perfect spoonful of melty marshmallowy ice cream. Honestly, perfection – smooth, creamy, sweet, marshmallow, vanilla, and a refreshing citrus pop. And then the rest, not so great. Basically the ice cream melted away and left a layer of warm vanilla slush atop a much more bitter layer of significantly overleafed tea. Imagine trying to drink a can of pledge. Yeah, not so perfect anymore.
Where did I go wrong? Proportions. Not enough ice cream and too much tea. I think the strength of tea, had their been the right amount was perfect because when mixed with the ice cream it was strong enough to impart its own flavor without being bitter. Without the ice cream it was too much. So next time? Same amount of leaf but less water and more ice cream.
Here is a link to make it with espresso. Just sub with your tea.
Oh! I like this one better…
Here is a link to make it with espresso. Just sub with your tea.
Oh! I like this one better…
Oh awesome. Thank you!
Sure! Few things worse than wasting tea or ice cream. ;-D
I’ve yet to try it! An Italian restaurant not far serves it but keep putting off trying it. This was a great idea worth trying but I hope it’ll turn out better for you next time. It’s all about tinkering with the ratios!