Ever since I started with my tea obsession, I have been searching for that amazing caffeine-free tea I can enjoy at any time of the day. I have tried many teas (most of which come from either DAVIDs or Teavana) and although I have found many teas that I love, there is yet to be a caffeine-free tea that I have fallen in love with and simply must have. So yesterday when I was in DAVIDsTEA I asked the saleswoman what caffeine-free tea she suggested and so she handed me Forever Nuts.
Bringing home my new bag of teas, I was so excited to try each and everyone one of them. I tried a couple of other teas first as they were caffeinated and I worried about having them too late but now its time to try Forever Nuts. First thing I noticed is the pretty pink coloring as the tea brewed. Next I got a whiff of the amazing nutty scent with a hint of cinnamon. So far this tea is looking good, but what about the taste? I definitely can taste both the nuts and the apples! These flavors combine well to give the tea both a nutty flavor and a subtle sweetness. I smell the cinnamon far more than I actually taste it but nonetheless I think the flavors all marry quite nicely. I am not sure if it is the caffeine-free tea I have been dreaming about but it is definitely something I will be reaching for time and time again.