92 Tasting Notes
Second round with this tea. Didn’t add any sugar or milk and it tasted awesome! Love that I don’t have to bother with all the “extras”. So much easier and probably the mark of a good tea. Can’t wait to buy a box! This will surely become my morning tea. :) Happy happy happy. Even got my hubby to try a sip this morning!
Continuing on with my reviews from the variety pack… This tea is not all that I hoped for it to be. Good enough, but I wouldn’t buy a box. Again I find myself comparing to Bigelow’s English Breakfast and I prefer the cheaper tea to this one! Go figure.
2nd tasting note after my rave reviews last time. Hmmmm, now that I finally have a chance to try this again, it is not exactly how I remember! I’m getting heavy flavor from hibiscus that I didn’t pick up on before- perhaps b/c I didn’t know what I was tasting? I think steepster is wearing off on me. Still a good cup, just not the “end all be all” that I remember.
Smells good, tastes good. A very pleasant tea. I want to say smooth…I think what I’m tasting here are just really well blended flavors. Nice!
Edited to add: What is it with me and this “perfumy” thing? I truly think I must have a slight dislike of Jasmine, and that is what I’m picking up here as I continue to drink this first cup. Still pleasant enough though.
Edited again to add: Can’t stop thinking about this tea even 8 plus hours later. Need to try it again to tomorrow because it clearly made an impression this morning despite the jasmine issue above.
This is my first experience with anything Jasmine and the first description that comes to mind is “perfumy”. Not crazy about the smell- seems like it should be in a bath product not a tea. Perhaps it’s just me. The tea is pleasant enough to drink and I even steeped the tea bag a second time. The second cup I’m having now is less smelly of course, but still not my favorite.
I just got the variety pack that has a bunch of choices in it- can’t wait to try them all!