single sachet sample that came with a very lovely Republic of Tea catalogue. they must have read my mind, because of all their iced teas i saw in-store, i most wanted to try this. glad to report back that it’s quite tasty!
dry as well as steeped, you really get a sense of the strawberry, and it is a yummy fresh strawberry, albeit one that has been baked in the oven and sweetened into natural candy.
i also get a sense of the basil but it feels more vaguely herbaceous since it is dried. i find basil flakes are never anything like the leaf fresh off the plant, which is a real treat!
i happen to love basil. it’s an amazing thing. paired with strawberry, i think it’s a brilliant idea. would like to try and make my own freshly-infused iced tea using real fruit and herbs. drown them in ice and let them cold steep for a day!
Flavors: Herbs, Strawberry