This is a great tea, slightly sad to see it discontinued as now the next replacement for it i think would be the high mountain oolong, which costs like almost twice the price. I love the floral taste of oolong tea’s which to me is my version of a jasmine green tea. So when i saw the name of this tea, right away i knew it was something of interest to try. It’s a rather light oolong tea, and is in fact quite similar to a green tea. The tea unfolds to rather pretty looking big tea leaves still connected to the stem, i found the recommended steep temperature to be way too low for this tea, i think it said something like 80ish degrees. I tried that once and almost got nothing out of it really, the taste was just way too light for me as an oolong tea. Subsequent times, i did a quick wash (10 seconds or so) with fresh boiling water and then filled it up again. The trick however is not to keep it at a high temperature for long as it might burn the leaves and leave a bitter taste, but if you do it right, the floral taste is rather sublime and enjoyable. What’s great about it, is that you don’t need to use much of it as the tea really unfolds quite well and is good for about 3 steepings.