I feel like I have not had a good darjeeling, or at least not a good one that is properly prepared. Darjeeling is definitely not the tea I would have all the time, because of my forgetfulness when the tea is steeping. Yes, I have tried timers. The alarms I tend to shut off like my alarm clock in the morning, so timers do no good for me.
This one, though, is likeable. I like the grapey aroma, and the taste is like a light black tea, but with no bitterness. And I did oversteep this one, and still no bitterness. Even better iced. Probably the first darjeeling that I like!
Golden Moon provided my first good Darjeeling experience, too. Like you, I think I just didn’t have good ones before this, because I’ve had several good Darjeelings since then. But you never forget your first time. Great tea. I’m almost out.