Well I went up to my parents’ last week and I’m still here, I made this on Sunday for dinner and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I even had to steep the bag a second time after dinner because so much of it was had!
I added a couple packets of what I guess would be the generic version of Equal because anything I like I know my family and my brother’s highly irritating girlfriend does not like. This of course made it WAY too sweet for me but of course everyone else loved it. I couldn’t even taste watermelon because of it. But I know for some taste buds, specifically my brother, who wasn’t sure at first that he wanted any until I had him smell the dry bag, it must have worked because he didn’t complain.
It smells amazing though, so I will be ordering another one within a few minutes that I can enjoy on my own. And it sounds like actual sugar is the way to go but I can’t go around doing that to the ice princess girlfriend. (Sorry I AM STILL MAD AT HER she was incredibly rude to me she didn’t even say goodbye leaving, and my mom says I’m the one that doesn’t try to be nice. PFFFFFFT.)