I kind of forgot about this tea because I found out my apartment complex wants to raise my rent 7.5% and it’s already teetering on way too much. I’m hoping I can talk them down…
So because it’s also sort of shark week time I am so upset about this and I just want to freak out even though it’s not THAT big of a deal in the grand scheme of things I just really love it here and the people in the office like me and I just even if it just was just half of that increase I’d stop freaking out. So of course now I feel like I HAVE to go there tomorrow when I really need to wait a few days and not cry while doing it.
Anyway. Tea. This is one of the better maple flavored teas I’ve had, it doesn’t taste grossly fake at all.
I am drinking it cold because to calm myself down I went and made some new lip balm. I got a few sips in while it was hot and it was definitely more mapley then with a hint of vanilla. Cold it’s just black tea until the very end when it’s like maple syrup going right down your throat. I wish I hadn’t let it go to waste cold!
Thanks, Autumn Hearth, for the sample!
yeah and they wouldn’t budge on it, they can’t, I was told. whatever. It gives me 14 months to hopefully make a friend who can be a roommate and I don’t have to deal with moving around the same time as my brother since then I’d have nobody to help me.
Yeah, that blows. The last time my rent was increased, it was by 2% or 3%. :/
yeah and they wouldn’t budge on it, they can’t, I was told. whatever. It gives me 14 months to hopefully make a friend who can be a roommate and I don’t have to deal with moving around the same time as my brother since then I’d have nobody to help me.
Ugh. I’m sorry to hear that.