All the samples I’ve gotten lately that I haven’t chosen are things I likely would never choose of my own accord.
I don’t care for savory herbs or spices in a tea especially not one I’m going to drink cold. But this actually works for me. I think the steeping time might be a bit too long because there’s a little bit of bitterness. I went with 5 minutes and the package says 5-7. At the same time I don’t think it gives the herbal side of this tea enough time to come out.
Mostly it tastes like white peony though, with a touch of lemon and a vague herby taste. That is totally fine by me, herbs like rosemary are hard for me to handle dried let alone in tea, so I’m glad it’s not super apparent.
This probably isn’t something I would ever buy myself for the time being, but I can see it being somewhat helpful with allergies in warmer months because it’s definitely good iced. I got flowers again at Trader Joe’s yesterday and set myself off sneezing, so I had to leave them at my boyfriend’s until tomorrow and hope I’ll be fine then.