This is okay, as usual it’s one of those teas where you can tell it’s on the brink of going bitter, yet you can hardly taste the tea itself.
I steeped it for two minutes and then poured it over ice. It has a decent tangerine flavor; it tastes rather like a legitimate tangerine, although I cannot remember the last time I had one. I was expecting it to be kind of bitter because it smells just like peels before it steeps, but I guess the stevia helps that out.
Like I said, it could really use a boost in the actual green tea department. I’m not sure I like the almost genmaicha-like toastiness with a tangerine flavor. In fact, I think that might be why I think it tastes almost like it would go bitter if it steeped 15 seconds more. I’d like a sweeter green base to boost a juicy flavor out of the citrus, since if I eat orange citrus fruits, it’s because I want that aspect of it!
Not bad though, thanks for sending me some to try, Kittenna!