I didn’t get any of this when I ordered from Caraway because it says almond in the description…yet it’s not an ingredient. Whaaaatever. And like Kittenna said, it’s pretty clear just from the picture this isn’t just cherry, kiwi, and coconut.
This is a lot like my beloved Cherry Kiwi Coconut, but it seems like it requires more to make a cup. I think possibly it tastes like there are more apple pieces to it also.
At least there is something to go to when I’m out of that one. I probably should have just used the whole sample to make the iced tea cup of this but I was going by the other tea’s standards. Still eerily close though.
It’s mostly a watered down tart apple cherry juice taste, but it’s so close to that Mahamosa tea….just about the same price too. Weird.
Thanks, Azzrian!
Your welcome – glad you got to try it! :)